Gordon Davies has curated a number of articles from the old Cochrane Advocate. They show an interesting summary of the life of Cochranites in the early years. Photos are from the CHAPS’ archives.
May 3, 1917
J. Baillie moved his bakery and confectionery store into his new stand on front street the first of the week where he now has one of the nicest shops in town. (this would be in what is now the RockyView Hotel)
May 3, 1917
The Cochrane Barber Shop has taken the agency for the Calgary Steam Laundry and will ship laundry down each Monday afternoon. Those having laundry to send should hand in their parcels before Monday noon.
May 27, 1920
The Cochrane Chautauqua
The second appearance of the Dominion Chautauqua held at Cochrane for three days, Friday, Saturday and Monday, May 21st, 22nd and 24h., with the aid, perseverance and capability of the local committee proved a success from start to finish and entertained with great success the public attending, the Chester Hall being filled with audiences to full capacity at each of the six sessions…..
May 1, 1924
In the opinion of most people in this district, spring has come to stay at last. Bonfires and the general clean-up going on in the evenings are evident of fact. The businessmen of Cochrane are looking forward to the Wednesday afternoon half holiday, which will come into affect on May 14th, providing the Village by-law passes its third reading at the meeting of May 12th
May 1, 1924
In the event of the Alberta Hotel being granted a license to sell beer, Harry will convert the whole west end of the building into a beer sales room. This will include the old bar room and the office.
May 15, 1924
New By-law Passed Third Reading
At the regular meeting of the Cochrane Village Council which was held on Monday evening, May 12th, a new by-law was given its second and third readings. This by-law provides for a weekly half-holiday for all places of business in Cochrane on Wednesday afternoons. The following are exempt from this new regulations: Hotels, Restaurants, Garages, Livery Stables, Imperial Oil Co., Feed Mill and Coal Merchants. This by-law came into effect on Wednesday afternoon, when all stores closed at 1 p.m. In the event of there being a statutory holiday during any week, the half-holiday for that week will be cancelled. This will be the case next week, Saturday 24the th being a statutory holiday.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the Court of Revision was held. Several appeals were forwarded for hearing, but in most cases were disallowed. The Mill Rate will be the same as that of last year, 23 Mills.
May 22, 1924
We don’t know what the record is, but one of Mr. Perrenoud’s hens laid an egg last week that measured 8 inches around. Some egg!!
May 29, 1924
The first tourist traffic of the season passed through Cochrane last Friday evening and Saturday morning, when over three hundred cars registered at the park gate, on the way to Banff for the holiday. The roads, though rough, were quite dry. The worst piece was probably between Coal Creek and Spencer Creek, where the road has been ploughed up preparatory to goading. The new bridge at Spencer Creek is now completed, though the work of changing the road at this point has not yet been undertaken.
May 29, 1924
Another attempt is being made by the Council to beautify Cochrane. A number of young spruce trees have been planted along the south side of First street, in the business section of the village.