July 10
On Monday evening the Eau Claire Lumber Company’s drive cleared the Ghost River and the logs are well on their way down the Bow. Fine weather and good water conditions have helped the work considerably and the drive is out of the Ghost nearly a month sooner than last year.
CGIT Lawn Social
A very successful Lawn Social was held on Tuesday, July 8th at the home of Mrs. Bruce, under the auspices of the Four Be’s Group. C.G.I.T.
Tea and ice cream were served at small tables groped on the verandah, which was decorated in the C..G.I.T. colours, blue and white. The contents of the Grab-tubs created much amusement among the young people. The girls were well pleased with the financial end of the affair, as it promises to them a happy fortnight at camp.
July 24
Wendell Hall in Cochrane
This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hall nd party passed through Cochrane on their way to Banff Mr. Hall is the author of that well known song “It Ain’t A’goin to Rain no more” and many other popular songs. At the Alberta Hotel, Mr. Hall very kindly consented to oblige the crowd and, accompanying himself on the ukelele, sang a number of his most popular selections which were very much enjoyed by all who were present.
At the conclusion of this impromptu concert, a number of the boys decided to return the favour and a miniature stampede for the benefit of the visitors was put on at the stock yards.
After spending several hours in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Hall continued their journey, expressing themselves as having thoroughly enjoyed their short stay in Cochrane.

July 31
Weather conditions over all this section of Alberta have been very unsettled this week and thunderstorms and heavy rain have been daily occurrences. Several sharp storms took place on Sunday afternoon and evening, and early on Monday morning a downpour of rain commenced which did not cease until 10 o’clock that night. It is doubtful if such a continuous and heavy storm has even been experienced in Cochrane and it is estimated that over three inches of rain fell during the day. In a consequence of the storms, haying operations have been discontinued this week, but the moisture has greatly improved the crop outlook.
Graveling the surface of parts of the Banff-Calgary highway is to be started at once, according to a statement received in a letter By A. H. McKay, president of the Calgary Auto Club, from Engineer Davidson, head of the provincial highways department. It is extremely doubtful if the stretch between Calgary and Cochrane will be in shape for graveling this season.
July 1
Cheap passenger rates on the C.P.R. for the Calgary Stampede will be in force from Saturday, July 9th to 18th inclusive. The return fare from Cochrane will be $1.25.
July 14
Gains Awards at Industrial Exhibition
Our well-known local artist, Mr. Roland Gissing, better known as “Gus” of Ghost River, is to be congratulated on his success at the Industrial Exhibition in Calgary this week, having gained first in the original pastel landscape, and second place in the original oil landscape class.
Mr. Gissing, whose “studio” consists of a log shack on the banks of the Ghost River, has certainly made great advancement in his work during the past year or two, and this year is turning out work that certainly deserves recognition.
Calgary Stampede
The greatest stampede parade ever staged was witnessed by thousands of spectators in Calgary on Monday, the opening day of the annual Exhibition and Stampede.
The parade was more of a pageant of the old-time West, depicting the early days with Indians, Red River carts, pioneers, prospectors, cowboys, and chuck wagons, and slowly advancing to the latest modes of transport and industrial development, represented by decorated floats and automobiles. The Stampede and Exhibition, lasting the entire week, is of monster proportions this year, with many additional attractions such as steer decorating.
Johnny J. James Shows are present, again, also with many new features of including dancing elephants. Arabian acrobats and human oddities such as the French and Belgian midgets whose combined weight is about 40 lbs.; “Laurello” a living man with his head on backward, and “Alpine”, Florida’s prime product, weighing 50 lbs. with a waist measurement of 5 feet.
For those who find such gruesome sights attractive there is certainly plenty of variation.
Women and Hotels
“Women in hotels are the most trouble and most damaging to property,’ says a chambermaid who has been at this kind of work for 18 years. “Next in order of damage and trouble are young men. The least trouble are the older men who live alone. They are usually neat and orderly. Young men make much dirt and disorder from their cigars and cigarette ashes. Also, they sometimes burn holes in sheets or table covers, and they use towels to wipe off their shoes. But even at that, they do less harm than an average woman. More damage is done by rouge on towels than by using towels to wipe on shoes Then women have their facial powder or cold cream all over everything. They have many foolish little trinkets, and odds and ends of clothing, to be picked up, and they complain if one of these seems to be mislaid. Yes, and they are more likely to carry towels away with them than men are”
Oil Sands Reached in Two Wells
Further proof o the wealth of Alberta oil fields appears in the reports of two strikes, made during the past week in wells in the Turner Valley field. At the Dalhousie No. 5 well a heavy flow of crude oil, testing about 42 degrees Beauce, is reported at a depth of 4325 feet; while in the Regent well production of crude oil testing about 60 degrees Beauce was reached at 2365 feet.
July 21
The Dog Pound Stampede and Picnic that was to have been held yesterday, July 20th, has been postponed until Wednesday, August 3rd, owing to the very unsettled weather and the terrible state of the trails.
Let us hope things improve a little by then.
The Weather
Unheard-of weather conditions have been experienced in the Cochrane district during the past few days.
The terrific hail and electric storms of Sunday were followed on Monday by an equally severe one that swept across south of Cochrane, doing considerable damage in the Jumping Pound and Brushy Ridge districts. Hailstones of enormous size are reported to have fallen.
On Tuesday the Ghost Valley was again hit by a storm of alarming ferocity, the hailstones being twice as large and falling for a much longer time than during the storm on Sunday.
All crops in that area are now totally wiped out, and the roofing of light material was torn to pieces.
Tourists arriving in Cochrane from the west at the time brought samples of hailstones the size of a tennis ball.
Cochrane escaped with a deluge of rain and a little hail.
July 28
Another severe storm struck Cochrane and the surrounding district on Tuesday evening, low black clouds sweeping over from the north at about 5:30 p.m. bringing with them a perfect deluge of rain. Vivid flashes of lightning accompanied the storm, one of which blew the electric light fuses, no lights being available until about 9 o’clock.
A haystack on Bill Edge’s place south of the river was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed. The stack had only been completed that afternoon. Hail fell in the Grand Valley, Beaverdam, and Lochend districts, doing considerable damage to crops, those on Mr. B. F. Rhodes’ ranch in Grand Valley being virtually ruined.
Robt. Butler had a strenuous and busy day last Sunday up at Ghost River at his Refreshment tooth serving out ice cream and manufacturing ham sandwiches which to say the least were delicious! About 200 travellers visited the booth and were refreshed and the day being overbearingly hot they were certainly thankful that such a booth is there during the summer and pleased with the willing service of the genial owner. Misses McEachern, Andy Garson, Hughie McEwen, Jim McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Maggs and Miss Enid Maggs were visitors at the booth who motored up in the cool of the evening. By the way it is reported Bob is looking for a wife to help him out.
July 21
The Conservative Party of Alberta has issued a threat to re-organize. Possible the Liberal Party may take similar action. How would it be for the people of Alberta to send them somewhere, some pleasant retreat where they weary may be at rest, where they might take counsel together and decide to either come back to us as intelligent citizens, or just fade away, undisturbed by the onward march of civilization?