James Quigley Family

Our brother Tom was a big lad and very handy at building things. He built a wagon from old brake wheels, thrown away off the boxcars. He bought an old horse and drove around gathering up buffalo bones for the sugar refineries. They used these bones for bleaching the sugar. Tom piled the bones along the railway track and they were loaded into boxcars when there were enough to ship. We kids had lots of fun playing on the big piles of bones. 

Lodgings and Hotels

In 1904, Mr. C.M. Burnham helped to build the Cochrane Hotel and managed it for a while. This Hotel was originally a clapboard building later to be covered in brick. In 1908, D. Alexander bought and ran the Hotel. In 1912 the hotel was managed by H. Moulu and then W. H. Tepley became the manager. In 1916, the Hotel was closed due to Prohibition and the assets were seized for non-payment of taxes.

Jean Dartigue

JEAN D’ARTIGUE ALSO NAMED JOHN D’ARTIGUE PEYRON BROCQ – by Ellen Buckler  Jean D’Artigue, known locally as John D’Artigue, was born in France in 1855 and educated to be a teacher. He travelled to Canada and answered an advertisement in a newspaper calling for volunteers for The North West Mounted Police. His experiences are recorded … Read more

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