CHAPS goal is to to identify, preserve, protect, and educate the public about historically significant properties and buildings in Cochrane.
Time is not on our side. We need people to help gather and record our stories. Would you like to help?
This blog was originally published in 2020.
While researching other stories this week I came across this delightful YouTube channel by the Heritage Resource Committee of the M.D. of Bighorn called the oral history project.
CHAPS has a similar goal of capturing these family stories while there is still time. When you watch this video you’ll understand why we feel this is so important.
Erik Butters tells the story of how his maternal great-grandfather came to Alberta. Along his travels, he meets some of the most famous (infamous) people of the wild, wild west.
You have to watch this!!!

Get involved in saving our local history!
Read more
- Sundance Kid once worked as a Ranch hand on Bar U.
- Sundance Kid
- Sundance Kid Facebook
- Sundance Kid article – CHAPS also gets a mention