CHAPS YouTube Channel

Have you seen CHAPS YouTube Channel? We have over 60 videos.

Here is a preview of some of the most viewed.

Cochrane had one of the few shot towers in Western Canada. View the video, Get the Lead out by Ron Baker.

Hamish Kerfoot tells about his families harrowing experiences

Ivan Davies talks about Dewey Blaney and growing up in Cochrane.

Heather, Rhona and Robyn explain how Cochrane’s iconic ice cream store evolved after the passing of their father.

Vernice Wearmouth talks about the Tower Ranch, Brushy Ridge fire, and ranching in early Cochrane area.

Bonus videos

Jade Lewis and company retell the story of the Cochrane Ranche.

Jade Lewis and company retell the story of a visit by Royalty.

2 thoughts on “CHAPS YouTube Channel”

  1. Great info. Sorry I missed the history of Cochrane presentation June 1. Will you be having more history presentations?


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