Does our Social media reach people?

This is the sixth year of re-publishing historical articles on our blog. Every year before the AGM we ask ourselves if we’re reaching people and why.

We find that our most popular articles remind people of their family and growing up. The best example of that is a post on the Cochrane Cafe which as of this writing has been shared 196 times. That doesn’t count shares from already shared posts. Every few months someone reads the old post and shares it. Then we find it being shared and re-shared all over again.

Our goal is also to inform people who recently arrived of the history of this very interesting part of Alberta. I always say it’s better than television.

I firmly believe our social media channels complement our favorite small museum, the Cochrane Historical Museum on the Cochrane Ranche site. There’s nothing like seeing the actual objects and having one of our Guides tell you about the history.

You’ll find links to the articles I mention in the Deep Dive section below.

Cochrane Cafe

The most visited website blog has been about the Graham Pharmacy. As of this writing, it’s been read 883 times.

The Pharmacy was the place to visit because of Alice and Bob’s friendliness and because it contained so many interesting objects.  When I went there with my mom I was always enthralled by Bob’s loud yet friendly voice, the smells, and the sights of the inventory. I always thought you could find anything there.

Grahams Pharmacy. Alice and Bob

Our YouTube Channel has some wonderful videos in the 100 Stories for 100 Years series. As well, the MD of Bighorns, Oral History project has been well received. Both offer some personal perspectives of Cochrane and areas history.

We’ve got a couple of Jade Lewis and companies recreation of a couple of historic events. They are quite wonderful.

One of my favorite videos is from the original Hooves of History 1990 sponsored by the Canadian Rodeo Historical Association and the Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation as a fundraising event for the Western Heritage Centre. The video is a moving tribute to our Western traditions, Pioneers, and the spirit that still exists.

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Deep Dive

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