Digitally Preserving Alberta’s Diverse Cultural History

We recently heard from a group doing some interesting work to preserve our history. They asked us to make our members aware. We’re happy to do that.

Hi! I’m working with Dr. Peter Dawson at the University of Calgary. We have recently made a Facebook page to help share our digital preservation work in Alberta. I was wondering if you would be willing on sharing our page to your group? We thought many of your members might find the content interesting, especially as we continue to grow over the next few months!

From tent rings and bison jumps to large scale industrial structures, Alberta’s heritage resources reflect our collective histories. Wildfires, flooding, vandalism, and development continue to place Alberta’s heritage at varying degrees of risk. Reality capture technologies like terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial photogrammetry can be used to digitally capture and preserve provincial heritage resources. An archive has been created as a repository for these digital data sets so they will remain accessible to future generations. Learn more and keep updated by following the project's Facebook page here!

Here’s a backgrounder that mentions some work they’ve done on the McDougall Church.

Here’s an update from their website with a visualization of the Perrenoud homestead.

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