Cochrane’s Olympic Spirit
During the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, Cochrane displayed the Olympic Rings on the hill.
During the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, Cochrane displayed the Olympic Rings on the hill.
The 1939 and 1940 terms were taught by Doris Camden of Cochrane. She wanted a piano for the school so Clem Edge bought Maud King’s old piano for $75.00, and Harry Coleman and Fred Gaskell hauled it from Harold Callaway’s in one of the Calgary Power trucks. Doris held dances at the school until she could pay Clem for the piano.
When Ralph was seven, the family moved to Cochrane, to the farm Sec 3 Twp 28 Range 4 W5M. The children walked to the Weedon School, located at the corner of NE Sec 22 Twp 27 Range 4W5M for September, it was closed due to a lack of students. They then were picked up by Mr. Wesley Wilson and went to Cochrane Lakes School until Christmas.
Sam was active in community affairs, was Scout Master for a number of years and draw secretary of the Cochrane Curling Club. He held this position until 1964 and at that time his son, Brian, took over and remained draw secretary until 1972, then he moved to Castor, Alberta. Sam was in the Reserve Army in Cochrane during World War Two.
Many years before, a huge fire had burned through the Glendale, Bearspaw and Westminster districts. It burned for months destroying trees and grass, even burning plant roots beneath the ground. This left raised areas, which would sink when run over. It was called the Burnt Ground.
by Kathleen Beynon Page 292 More Big Hill Country 1945-1980 Robert George Beynon “Bob” was the third child of Sophie and Jack Beynon, both Welsh immigrants. He was born March 17, 1926, in the big brick house at the east and of town. Alistair Moore and his wife Dolly lived there for many years. The … Read more
John Bateman was born in Cork Ireland on March 25, 1865. At the age of 22, John left Ireland to see new land and came to Canada, settling in the Jumping Pound district in 1887. John Bateman worked for different ranchers in the area including Captain Gardner, J.A.W. Fraser and Stuart brothers.
Thanks to RW Dickason for becoming a member, volunteering for CHAPS and getting involved in the retelling of this story from More Big Hill Country 1945-1980 . Clarence McGonigle, the seventh child and fifth son of William and Kate McGonigle, was born in the homestead shack with Mrs. Bush as a midwife on December 30, … Read more
Thanks to Donna Jordan Orr who has become a member of CHAPS and gotten involved in research by scanning this article from More Big Hill Country on Irene and Clarence Copithorne. Clarence was the youngest son of Richard and Sophia Georgina (Wills) Copithorne and was born on November 12, 1920 in the little brick hospital … Read more
In 1929 William Sherriff, manager of the Model Laundry in Calgary, bought three-quarters of land, 11 miles northwest of Cochrane in Grand Valley, for three of his sons, George, Jim and Harry. The land, N12 and SE 14 23-27-5-5 was bought from Bumpy Rhodes for $27.00 an acre. Later the SE14 26-27-5-5 was purchased from the Hudson’s Bay Company and added to their holdings.