Tom Wilson

In April 1885 he received a wire from Maj Steele asking him to join Steele’s Scouts organized to assist in putting down the Riel Rebellion. When the rebellion was over he returned to Morley and homesteaded the SW 29-26-6-5, on the School Section west of the James Potts place.

Kerfoot Family

pg 388 Big Hill Country  by James Duncan Kerfoot  The story of the Cochrane Ranche relates that in 1882, Col. Walker, the first resident manager, resigned, such resignation to be effective as soon as a suitable replacement could be found. That replacement was found in the person of William Duncan (W. D.) Kerfoot, an experienced … Read more

Sibbald Family

Andrew Sibbald, whose life spanned a century, was born in Ontario, November 19, 1833. Andrew’s father, John Sibbald, along with his wife and three children of Edinburgh, Scotland, immigrated to Canada in 1832, and settled in Ontario. Andrew was the first of their five children born in Canada. 

History of the Cattle Industry

Page 68-69 of More Big Hill Country has a really interesting history of the cattle industry, 1493 through 2008. You can see the ups and downs of one of the major industries of early Cochrane. 1493 – Spanish cattle come to the south of America on Columbus’ second voyage. Fore bearers of the Texas Longhorn … Read more

Cochrane Ranches Significance in Canadian History

CHAPS has received a number of documents outlining the historical significance of the COCHRANE RANCHE. Other Names: British American Ranch Co. Cochrane Creamery Cochrane Ranch Co. (Ltd.) Cochrane Ranch Co. Ltd Western Heritage Centre Statement of Significance Description of Historic Place Cochrane Ranche is the site of Alberta’s first large‐scale ranch, which operated between 1881 … Read more

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