These images are provided for the use of our members or any media outlet with an interest in CHAPS.

Cochrane Historical and Archival Preservation Society (CHAPS) Logo.
Designed by John Thomson. The logo depicts the corner of a building with brick foundation and clapboard siding.
Cochrane Historical Museum (CHM) Logo

Cochrane Historical Museum
Please tell your friends about us.

The Cochrane Ranche by Jade Lewis
A Rainy Royal Visit by Jade Lewis
All images remain the property of CHAPS. Images are provided as is.
Expired Images

Spring 2019 Fund Raiser Poster
Brenda McQueen with McDougall Stoney Mission Society will give a 20-minute presentation on the history and status of the Site.

January 16. We’re opening our Photo Archives

Fall Fundraiser poster 2018