Cochrane Historical Museum

Anniversaries in 2019
We are celebrating some important anniversaries this year:
- 20th Anniversary of CHAPS in June
- 5th Anniversary of the museum,
- 110th Anniversary of the house.

Historical Plaques
Social Media
We’ve updated our website.
We’ve developed Facebook pages for both CHAPS and the Cochrane Historical Museum
We’ve developed a Twitter page for CHAPS.
We’ve developed an Instagram Page for CHAPS
We’ve created a YouTube channel to house 100 Stories for 100 Years and History Videos by Jade Lewis.
In 2021, we are focussing on growing our subscribers.

Public Education
- Opening our photo archives in January 2019 and again later in the year
- A History of the McDougall church and a status update on the restoration.
- Responding to requests to attend meetings with our History Presentation.

Archiving Records
Doris James and Lynda Alderman have taken on the enormous and important task of archiving and recording our collection. The database is used for planning exhibits, insurance and research purposes.

Shot Tower Model

Completed Projects
Cochrane Ranche Cairn
With the permission of the Town of Cochrane and the Alberta Government, we have built a cairn commemorating 5 enterprises that operated on or near the Ranche site after the British American Ranch was sold. The plaques commemorate the following: “Collins Brickyard”, Beynon-Davies Dairy Farm”, “Cochrane Creamery”, “Duncan Shelley Stone Quarry” and “Gilbert Ranches”. The unveiling took place May 11th, 2013.
Big Hill Country
Learn about the families and events that formed the area. Big Hill Country was printed in 1977 by Cochrane and Area Heritage Association.

More Big Hill Country
1945 – 1980 Learn about the families and events that formed the area after W.W II.