Cochrane Advocate August 1921 – 1927


August 25 

Six cars of cattle have been shipped this week from Cochrane to Montreal for export to Great Britain. D.P. McDonald shipped one car, J. McLeroy three cars and W. H. Wilderman of Priddis, two cars. This was all good quality beef, averaging around 1400 lbs. 


August 1 

The Saskatoons are seemingly a good crop this year. Some of our citizens claim to have picked twenty pounds or more. 

August 8 

Our Campers during the hot wave of last week took to the water. Report has it, several mermaids were seen floating on the Jumping Pound. 

August 29 

Clever Exam Answers 

Pupils of Public and High Schools are unusually clever about examination time, and now that the results of the midsummer tests have been published, it will be quite safe to make known a few bright answers discovered by the eagle-eyed examiners. For safety’s sake, the name of the school or student is not mentioned. 

“A mountain range is a large cook stove” 

“Sixty gallons makes one hedgehog❞

“Typhoid is prevented by fascination”

“Epidermis is what keeps your skin on” 

“A volcano throws out hot saliva” 

“The days are shorter in winter because cold contracts” 

“A curve is a straight line that has been bent” 

“A triangle is a three-cornered circle” 

“A vacuum is an empty space with nothing in it” 

“A circle is a straight line with a hole in it” 

“A miracle is something a person does that can’t be done.” 

“The heat of the torrid zone is caused by the equator which runs around the earth in the middle.’ 


August 12 

Saskatoon berries are the cheapest and most plentiful of fruit this year, cultivated berries being reported scarce and therefore high in price so that the wild berries are eagerly sought for and gathered by all who have time to go after them. Two well-known ladies of Cochrane on Tuesday picked two and a half bushels of Saskatoons, which alone indicates a heavy yield. Wild strawberries are also plentiful. 

August 19 

Several parties motoring from the city Sunday wre berry picking up the Big Hill creek, some motoring up to the Big Hill creek falls, a natural beauty al spot. Where they held private picnics and took in the beautiful scenery. 


August 30 Train Wreck 

A serious train wreck occurred just east of Mitford early last Friday when a broken rail caused twelve cars of a freight train to leave the track. Fortunately, neither the engine or the caboose left the rails and none of the train crew were injured. The wreckage of the twelve cars was piled up in the greatest disorder, and the line was not clear for traffic until late in the afternoon. In the meanwhile, trains No. 13 and No. 1 were held at Cochrane and about noon, train No. 7 pulled in from the east and was also held until the line was clear. To pass away the time, a number of passengers from the trains staged a baseball game in front of the station. 


Murphy Hotel (Alberta Hotel)
Murphy Hotel


August 7 

Tourists Delayed by Storms 

The heavy storms which drenched the trails in the neighbourhood of Cochrane all last week, reached a climax during the weekend when a downpour of rain, which commenced shortly after one o’clock on Saturday afternoon, continued, almost without a break, until Monday. The bright sunshine of Saturday morning gave promise of a fine weekend and in spite of the bad condition of the roads, a large number of tourists started out from Calgary to Banff. By four o’clock the roads were practically impassable and Cochrane rapidly filled with travelers, both from the east and the west. Both garages were crammed to the doors with cars and each new arrival brought a fresh story of hours spent on the trail, mud holes, and trouble of one sort or another. The hotel rooms were quickly taken up and many late arrivals found accommodation in private houses, the curling rink, and in empty houses in the village. In the evening, the stranded tourists organized a dance in the Orange Hall and Mr. Cyril Godwin, of the Capitol orchestra, delighted all who were present with his beautiful violin selections. 

A large number left for Calgary and Banff that evening, by train and as the bad weather continued on Sunday and cars still kept coming in from the west, the Banff special train stopped here on its way back from the mountains and took a large number into the city. 

It is estimated that over sixty cars were held up in Cochrane, many of which did not get away until Wednesday. 

August 7 

During the storms last week, no less than twelve out of the fifteen lines connecting with the Cochrane Telephone Exchange were put out of commission by lightning. 

August 14 

Graveling has commenced on the Calgary – Banff highway at a point a few miles east of the top of the Cochrane hill. 

During the month of July, there passed through the east gate into Banff no les than 5,300 motor cars as compared with 2,225 in the corresponding month in 1923.


August 20 

A heavy downpour of rain, which lasted nearly three days, took place over this district. The moisture came too late to be of much benefit to the and interrupted haying operations for several days. 

A large crew of men is busy on the new elevator in Cochrane and construction work is going ahead fast. 

Preparations are being made to start drilling for oil again at the old Moose Mountain well. 

August 27 

Considerable snow fell in the district north of Cochrane last Saturday night. Fortunately the fall was not sufficiently heavy to seriously damage the crops and those which were beaten down are coming up again. Most of the barley and some wheat has been cut in this area. 


Rules and Suggestions 

We respectfully invite public attention to the following resolution passed by our executive on June 12th and trust that it will meet with a ready response. 

“RESOLVED that we offer a prize of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR THE BEST DESIGN OF A DISTINCTIVELY Canadian National Flag, such prize to be doubled in the event of its being finally adopted by the Government, and a further prize of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the best design submitted by a child attending a Canadian school.” 

We suggest that designs should be: 

(a) distinctively and originally “Canadian”, striking and dignified both to colour scheme and general appearance. 

(b) of simple rather than complicated construction, readily lending itself to manufacture even in the home. 

(c) No design to be less than two feet in length. 

Designs should be sent in a separate enclosure with the name and address of the contestant on the outside upper left-hand corner of the package, addressed to F. W. Crawford, Secretary-Treasurer, Native Sons of Canada, 570 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C.

Mike Taylor and Ensign flag in Cochrane Historical Museum

The doubling of the award of $500.00 is contingent on the adoption of our approved design by Parliament’s next session. 

The competition is extended to December 1st, 1925. Those desiring return of designs should enclose postage 

VANCOUVER ASSEMBLY NO. 2, NATIVE SONS OF CANADA, per Fenwick W. Crawford, Secretary-Treasurer

Deep Dive

The Le Sueurs

by Jean L. Johnson Big Hill Country 1977 pg. 111

The Le Sueurs were from the Isle of Guernsey and had been in the coffee business in Brazil before coming to Canada. In 1902 Walter Payn Le Sueur bought the north half of Lot 6, in Morleyville Settlement, from Priscilla Grier. William Grier the first owner of this land, had bought it but died shortly thereafter and Priscilla was administrator of the estate. Arthur William Payn Le Sueur filed on the NW 4-27-7- 5, but built west of there beside a good spring. Later he moved the buildings to the land he had homesteaded and for which he received the patent on December 3, 1908. This quarter section became the home place of the Bar C Ranch. Two miles north of there the Le Sueurs took up another homestead on the SE4 of Section 20. This land was known to oldtimers as Miss Le Sueur’s quarter. It became part of the Bar C Ranch, and years later it was taken into the Bow River Forest Reserve in exchange for Crown land farther south. 

In August of 1907, Walter Payn Le Sueur transferred his part of Lot 6, Morleyville to Edward Payn Le Sueur. The latter also bought the south half of Lot 6 which ran down to the Bow River. He was the first owner of this land although it is possible that others had lived on it previously. In 1908 Edward sold all of Lot 6, Morleyville, to John Fleming McCorkell. 

These early settlers have given their name to the creek west of the Bar C Ranch. Le Sueur Creek flows down swiftly from a small lake and 

runs east and southeast until it enters the Ghost River about two miles west of the Eau Claire Trail. The trail which the Le Sueurs took between their ranch and their land at Morleyville, crossed the Ghost River about a quarter of a mile above the Forks, and this ford, although little used today, is still called the Le Sueur Crossing; the grade they built up the steep south side is known as the Le Sueur Grade. From there they crossed the Ripley and hit the trail used by the Sibbalds and other settlers on the Hill. 

Harold Payn Le Sueur homesteaded on Spencer Creek, and he and Edward lived on the Glenbow Ranch and played polo with the Glenbow team in 1909.

Deep Dive

Mystery mudhole dries up

by Gordon and Belle Hall, A Peep into the Past, Vol 1, 1990 pg 28

In a previous story, I told of how when we were living on a Bow View ranch three miles west of Cochrane in the early 1920s, Irish Armstrong kept an active mudhole, well-watered, with a lamp in the window at night and a team harnessed, so that when people got stuck Irish would pull them out, for a fee of course. 

Toward the end of the summer of this year, Joe and Alice Boston were coming to Cochrane – in their rig pulled by a snappy team. Mrs. Boston was arrayed in what finery she had, I suppose, topped off by a hat given to her by Lady Adela Cochrane at Mitford. Mrs. Boston used to be Lady Adela’s maid before she married Joe. The hat, I understood, was quite a creation with feathers on one side and berries and things on the other. However, they hit a mudhole and Alice left the rig and landed in some more mud with the hat on the bottom. Poor soul. What a mess. 

Joe loaded her into the rig and brought her to our place. She was almost drowned. And mud – there was mud everywhere. My mother took control and got her into the bedroom and got her clothes off and told me to start hauling and heating water as she would have to bathe her and wash her hair. I had a hard time hauling water because I couldn’t stop laughing until mother cuffed my ears. Lady Adela’s hat was a complete ruin and her clothes were muddy and soaked. 

Irish had disappeared, and I didn’t think about the mudhole until Joe Boston, who had gone on to Cochrane to shop, came back, and when he stomped into the house said “Why in hell is there a big mudhole in front of your gate and none along the rest of the road:” Well no one spoke up, at least not till the Boston’s were gone, then Irish was tuned in by mother, no more watering mudholes, no more lights in windows, and no horses kept in harness. Amen. 

In the 1940s when I was working at the Texaco service station in Cochrane, a Grand Valley rancher drove in one morning for gas. He had a Chev sedan with the rear seat removed and a nanny goat standing in its place. The goat had its head out of one of the windows and was bleating its head off. I don’t think it stopped for breath. Asked by someone what the occasion was, the rancher answered, “I’m looking for a he goat,” and departed. About three hours later, he returned, the goat still giving tongue. Asked how he made out, the rancher replied, “Oh I finally found a he goat, but by that time she had changed her mind.” 

Deep Dive

The Bruce Family

by Stuart Grayson pg 204 Big Hill Country 1977

Donald John Bruce was born in Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Scotland, in 1836. He came with his family, which included three generations, to Selkirk Grants, Prince Edward Island, in 1841. In 1869, he married Margaret Jane Smith of Rawden, Nova Scotia. 

In 1883, he and his younger brother John, who had been born at Valleyview, Prince Edward Island in 1849, came west with the C.P.R. construction, to Lake Louise (then known as Laggan). Later they both came to Cochrane, Donald as a foreman on the C.P.R. Section west of Cochrane, and John as Section foreman at Radnor. John, who never married, was killed in an accident in October 1905. An unscheduled train ran into the back of the handcar he was operating. 

Building what was claimed to be the first private home in the town site of Cochrane (the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Station is now there), Donald brought his family West in 1887, the family being his wife Margaret, children Leslie John, Catherine, Adela Maud, Ewan Mark, and Blanche. One daughter, Amanda, had passed away in the East. 

Donald took out a homestead north of Cochrane on NE14 22-26-4-5. His original cabin is still part of the present house on the land. Donald Bruce passed away in 1909 and his wife Margaret in 1932. 

His son, Leslie, was a schoolteacher, spending most of his time in British Columbia, where he was a School Principal and later, School Inspector. He married Elma Baker, a graduate of Dalhousie University, in Nova Scotia. They had no family and both are now deceased.

Adela Maud, unmarried, was also a long-time schoolteacher, teaching in Alberta and British Columbia. After retirement, she returned to Cochrane, but in 1938 she accompanied her nephew Stuart Grayson to Fort Vermilion, where Stuart was then stationed. Going up there was a thrill for Adela Maud; it was her first plane ride. When Stuart was transferred out in 1939, she remained there, because there were older children needing assistance with their education, and schools were not available. However she had a bad heart, and the climate was too severe in the winter. She moved out to Edmonton, where she passed away in 1943.

Dave Bryant

by Dave Bryant pg 359 Big Hill Country 1977

I was born in London, England, on May 1, 1903, and came to Toronto, Ontario, in 1907. My mother was born in Scotland and my father was born in Ireland. I have two brothers and two sisters. 

My sister Lillian and I came to Cochrane from Toronto in September 1914. I was eleven years old, she was eight. Our father had been electrocuted while wiring a hotel in Toronto. Our uncle at Cochrane, Jimmy Patterson, sent two tickets to my mother and asked her to let two of her children come and live with his family. My mother kept the tickets for almost a year before she would let us come. We traveled for three days and three nights by train. Lillian soon became homesick and cried nearly all the way. Someone had given me a pair of gauntlet gloves before I left Toronto. One day I opened the window of the train and held my hand out. The cinders from the engine blew back and burned small holes in my gloves. This almost ruined my trip out West. 

Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Darke met us at the station. We drove eleven miles with a team and democrat to the Patterson ranch in Grand Valley. Their home was also the Caldbeck Post Office. 

Young Jimmy (age ten) met us at the barn. He was wheeling a wheelbarrow load of hay to the cows. He set the wheelbarrow down, looked me over, and with a grin as broad as himself, asked me if I could swear. I told him I thought I could a little bit. We were good friends from then on. He took me to the house where I met Jeannie Smith, a Scottish lady, who had lived with the Pattersons for several years. She was very strict and her first glance made me feel like Oliver Twist. Jimmy did not mind her a bit. It was nothing to come to the house just in time to see Jimmy running out the door with Jeannie after him, shouting, “The deevil is in yar fangers, ye kinna lev nethin alane! I sweer I’ll tell Pettersin on ye.” 

There were two boys, Donald and Jimmy, in the Patterson family and we three boys slept in one bed. Jeannie woke everyone in the morning by rapping on the door with her cane. I could hear her shout, “Pettersin aer ye up?” Apparently Jeannie was to wake us and judging by the dint in the door she had not shirked her duty. 

As we dressed I could not help noticing the socks the boys were wearing. When we came out of the bedroom, Jeannie had breakfast ready and was standing at the stove stirring a huge pot of oatmeal porridge with a wooden stick. After breakfast, I soon learned the secret of good socks. Every time Mrs. Patterson or Jeannie had a moment to spare, they would sit and knit. The main knitting needle was inserted into a ball (about the size of a softball) of hard-packed 

prairie wool hay, tightly wrapped in cord and placed on their laps; then they would knit so fast you could almost see the socks grow. 

I remember my aunt best when I think of loaves and loaves of delicious homemade bread, and cows and more cows to milk. When Ruth Hinde was born, Mrs. Patterson went to help. Jimmy and I started to milk cows at seven in the morning and finished at two in the afternoon. Jimmy said, “What will we do now?” I decided we had better start over again. After much puffing and sighing, we did. 


Shortly after Lillian and I started to attend Chapelton School, we were riding double bareback and I wanted the horse to trot. Lillian lost her balance and we fell off and I broke my arm. Uncle Jimmy took me to Cochrane. The doctor was out so Bob Chapman took me to a ranch south of Cochrane, where Dr. Ritchie and his son set my arm without giving me any anesthetic. Later I went to the West Brook one-room school. 

When I was fourteen I raked hay for Gordon Hinde, manager of the Rhodes Ranch in Grand Valley, for one dollar a day. During the War, I took a flatrack of wool to Crossfield for Chris Larson. Ab Banta also raised sheep and his hired man took a load in for Ab. We each drove a four-horse team. It was a two-day trip and as we did not have any money we slept in a Chinese cafe all night. The next day we each tied one team behind

our rack and headed for home. On the way home I gave a girl a ride for two miles. She sat in the far corner of the rack and never spoke. I’m still wondering who she was. During the hard winter of 1919 I fed cattle for Bill Tempany. In the spring of 1920, I went to work at the Virginia Ranch for T. B. Jenkinson. Mrs. Oldaker was the housekeeper and she was an excellent cook. 


Late in the fall of 1920, sadness struck the Patterson home when Jimmy took sick with scarlet fever and developed infected mastoids and pneumonia. The roads were very bad and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson rented a house and moved Jimmy to Cochrane so that Dr. Waite and Dr. Park could do all they could to save him. Anne Beynon was his nurse and stayed with him night and day. When all hope for Jimmy’s recovery was given up, Mr. Patterson, Donald, and I rode horseback to Cochrane to see Jimmy. We stayed in Cochrane overnight and our neighbor Clem Edge did the chores. Jimmy was propped up in bed so we could see him through the window. As all hope had been given up for Jimmy, Dr. Waite decided to try one more thing. He lanced Jimmy’s lung to drain away the fluid. Suddenly, Jim- my started to get better. Although he lost his hearing, he soon regained his health and there was happiness in the Patterson home once more. 

In 1921 I worked for Paul Swanson on the irrigation ditch at Barnes in Southern Alberta. Don Patterson, Bill Hughes, Pat Kerfoot, and I spent several falls pitching bundles for large steam threshing outfits in the Langdon, Cheadle,

and the High River areas. In 1923 Don Patterson and I worked for Mr. and Mrs. Dave McDougall. Although they had a large family of their own, they always referred to us as their boys. 

It wasn’t all work and no play in those days either. I often rode to dances held in Cochrane or in schoolhouses. I could ride from Pattersons across country to the Summit Hill School without opening a gate. One night I thought I would leave early and have supper with Susan and Jim Reeve. After supper, I admitted to Susan that I was sweet on the teacher at Summit Hill. Susan was aghast and replied, “Dave, she can’t even milk cows!” 

Late in 1923 I went back to Toronto and worked six-and-one-half years for General Motors of Canada at Oshawa, Ontario. My mother passed away in 1929, and I returned to Cochrane and went to work on the Dog Pound and Lochend roads for George Woodson. All the road work was done with horses and a Fresno or a walking plow. 

I bought a team of my own and drove them to Lake Louise to work on the highway. When there was no roadwork, I worked for Andy Garson, Tom Baptie, Chappy Clarkson, and Archie Kerfoot. In the winter of 1934, after working on the road at Lake Louise, Bill Melleck and I drove our teams back to Seebe to work in the relief camp. Food, clothing, hay, and oats were paid for by the Government. We were paid 20 a day for our work and 80 a day for our team. It was twenty degrees below zero when we left Pattersons, and I drove my team and walked beside my wagon almost forty miles to Seebe. Bill had asthma so bad he could not walk and he nearly froze to death before we got there. 

In 1933 I bought a quarter section of Hudson’s Bay land, NW4 26-27-5-5, in Grand Valley for $8.00 per acre, where my wife and I still reside. 

In the 1930s taxes were low but hard to pay. You could pay part of your taxes by working on the road, which I did. One year the Social Credit Government paid us with scrip. Scrip and stinkweed were often referred to as “Aberhart’s Alfalfa.” William Aberhart was Premier of Alberta at the time. 

On September 10, 1936, Ellen Ullery and I were married by Reverend Dr. McKeen Reid, at my home in Grand Valley. We have three children: David Earl, married to Betty Grievson; Dorothy May, married to Donald Edge; and Lillian Ethel, who married Harvey Short from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Lillian is now married to Gary Gingles from Exshaw. We have three grandchildren, Gary and Bary Bryant and Dallas Anita Short. 

David has his own road construction business and builds roads in the Cochrane and Calgary areas. Dorothy has been a secretary for Mobil Oil of Canada, Ltd. for seventeen years. Lillian is also a secretary and works for Alberta Natural Gas Company at their plant just northwest of Cochrane.

My sister Lillian went back to Ontario when she was eighteen and married Robert Colquhoun. They have three children, Bob, Ron, and Joan, and eight grandchildren: Bob and Shirley’s children, Robert and Craig; Ron and Audrey’s children, Laura, Betty, Barbara, and Allan; Don and Joan Gruber’s children, Sheena and Tasha Dawn. Allan passed away at the age of eight due to a riding accident. Lillian, now a widow, loves to visit the West and drive up the Grand Valley road. She often recalls the times the Patterson boys would tease her until she cried, then hug her and say, “Now, now, wee womany, don’t cry.”

Deep Dive

W.H. Webb Family

by George Webb pg 663 Big Hill Country 2007

Dad came to Canada, from England in 1905, along with Sam Timmins and Alf Elkins. My uncle Charlie was already over here. The four of them homesteaded Section 22-27-4-5. Dad’s was the NE4 22-27-4-5. They hauled logs from the bush north of the homestead to build their houses. The logs were hauled with a team and wagon. When each one of them finished their house, they sent for their family to come over. Mother and the children arrived in 1906, the children were Florence, Charlie, Ethel, George, and Harry. At that time Harry was the baby. Billy, Dorothy, and Alfred were born in Canada

There were no roads, fences, or telephones; money was mighty scarce, but we had really good neighbors. Each family took turns going to town for supplies, which was usually once a month

Alf Elkins thought it was too hard a life. He gave up his homestead, moved to Calgary and started a bakery. Louis Blow took over his land. When Sam Timmins got the title to his land he moved to Calgary. Shortly after, Dad sold our quarter to my uncle Charlie and we moved to Calgary. Dad worked in Calgary until 1917, came back to the Weedon area, bought the Sam Timmins quarter, and started farming all over again.

My sister, Florence, married Tom Quigley, Charlie went Overseas with the 113th Battalion and the twins, Alfred and Dorothy, passed away. In the early twenties, Lily, who had been residing in Vancouver, passed away. Our family was getting smaller all the time. Ethel married Joe Fleenor, they lived in Calgary for a few years and then moved to a farm in the Weedon area. Harry and Bill never married and they are still on the homestead. 


Our water supply came from the sloughs. We used this water until we could get a well dug. Digging of wells was all done by pick and shovel, going to a depth of 90 to 110 feet to get water. 

In those days people were closer to one another, helping each other and certainly not trying to outdo each other; everyone was struggling to build a good life and they found enjoyment in doing it. 

My first job I remember well, was working for Lars Heland. He had Section 27-27-4-5 rented from Frank Smith, who lived at Champion, Alberta. I drove eight head of horses on a brush breaker, walking behind the plough; there was no seat on it so I had very little choice. I broke 100 acres, starting at 4:30 a.m. and stopping at 8:00 p.m. For that I received forty dollars per month. The next year I went to work for Bill McGlashing, who had opened the old Bonnie Brae mine again. We were going to get rich for sure. The mine was on the south side of the Bow River, near the Crawford place. We put a year and a half in there. Tom Zuccolo hauled the timbers for it, we went down four hundred feet and it flooded. We all had to go and find other work, planning to go back in the fall, but we never did. 

I went to work for Walter Hutchinson. I stayed there for three years. He had the biggest hay rack I had ever seen; nine feet wide eighteen feet long with four-foot stakes. We loaded this rack, using the four-tined pitchfork. One day we would haul three loads and the next day four loads. I did this seven days a week all winter long. Art Coburn was working at Hutchinsons too; we never thought about coffee breaks or the eight-hour day, we were so glad to have a job. One incident I remember well, was about 1925 Harvey Adams, a cattle buyer, came out and bought all of the calves. We had to drive the cows and calves to the stockyards in Cochrane and separate them. There being no trucks then, driving was the easiest way to handle them. We got them separated and drove the cows back to the ranch. The next morning the cows were scattered from the ranch to Cochrane. We spent a week looking for cows and I don’t think we ever got them all back. 

In 1928 I went to work for Sibbald Motors in Cochrane. In 1930 I married Eleanor Rushfeldt. R. B. Bennett was Prime Minister then and I think he was the only Prime Minister to keep his promise. He said if he were elected he would have Canada on its feet in sixty days; within thirty days there were thousands walking across the country looking for work. 

Over the years we had four children, Arnold, Kathleen, Orvil and Sharon. Arnold married Mary Young, Kathleen married Roy Line, Orvil married Marian Bell and Sharon married Ray Lambert.

Deep Dive

photo courtesy Global News

Cochrane Advocate News July 1921 – 1927


July 10 

On Monday evening the Eau Claire Lumber Company’s drive cleared the Ghost River and the logs are well on their way down the Bow. Fine weather and good water conditions have helped the work considerably and the drive is out of the Ghost nearly a month sooner than last year. 

CGIT Lawn Social 

A very successful Lawn Social was held on Tuesday, July 8th at the home of Mrs. Bruce, under the auspices of the Four Be’s Group. C.G.I.T. 

Tea and ice cream were served at small tables groped on the verandah, which was decorated in the C..G.I.T. colours, blue and white. The contents of the Grab-tubs created much amusement among the young people. The girls were well pleased with the financial end of the affair, as it promises to them a happy fortnight at camp. 

July 24 

Wendell Hall in Cochrane 

This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hall nd party passed through Cochrane on their way to Banff Mr. Hall is the author of that well known song “It Ain’t A’goin to Rain no more” and many other popular songs. At the Alberta Hotel, Mr. Hall very kindly consented to oblige the crowd and, accompanying himself on the ukelele, sang a number of his most popular selections which were very much enjoyed by all who were present. 

At the conclusion of this impromptu concert, a number of the boys decided to return the favour and a miniature stampede for the benefit of the visitors was put on at the stock yards. 

After spending several hours in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Hall continued their journey, expressing themselves as having thoroughly enjoyed their short stay in Cochrane. 


July 31 

Weather conditions over all this section of Alberta have been very unsettled this week and thunderstorms and heavy rain have been daily occurrences. Several sharp storms took place on Sunday afternoon and evening, and early on Monday morning a downpour of rain commenced which did not cease until 10 o’clock that night. It is doubtful if such a continuous and heavy storm has even been experienced in Cochrane and it is estimated that over three inches of rain fell during the day. In a consequence of the storms, haying operations have been discontinued this week, but the moisture has greatly improved the crop outlook. 

Graveling the surface of parts of the Banff-Calgary highway is to be started at once, according to a statement received in a letter By A. H. McKay, president of the Calgary Auto Club, from Engineer Davidson, head of the provincial highways department. It is extremely doubtful if the stretch between Calgary and Cochrane will be in shape for graveling this season. 

July 1 


Cheap passenger rates on the C.P.R. for the Calgary Stampede will be in force from Saturday, July 9th to 18th inclusive. The return fare from Cochrane will be $1.25. 

July 14 

Gains Awards at Industrial Exhibition 

Our well-known local artist, Mr. Roland Gissing, better known as “Gus” of Ghost River, is to be congratulated on his success at the Industrial Exhibition in Calgary this week, having gained first in the original pastel landscape, and second place in the original oil landscape class. 

Mr. Gissing, whose “studio” consists of a log shack on the banks of the Ghost River, has certainly made great advancement in his work during the past year or two, and this year is turning out work that certainly deserves recognition. 

Frank Hennessey, Gordon Davies & Hamish McNaughton Kerfoot with unknown Gissing painting

Calgary Stampede 

The greatest stampede parade ever staged was witnessed by thousands of spectators in Calgary on Monday, the opening day of the annual Exhibition and Stampede. 

The parade was more of a pageant of the old-time West, depicting the early days with Indians, Red River carts, pioneers, prospectors, cowboys, and chuck wagons, and slowly advancing to the latest modes of transport and industrial development, represented by decorated floats and automobiles. The Stampede and Exhibition, lasting the entire week, is of monster proportions this year, with many additional attractions such as steer decorating. 

Johnny J. James Shows are present, again, also with many new features of including dancing elephants. Arabian acrobats and human oddities such as the French and Belgian midgets whose combined weight is about 40 lbs.; “Laurello” a living man with his head on backward, and “Alpine”, Florida’s prime product, weighing 50 lbs. with a waist measurement of 5 feet. 

For those who find such gruesome sights attractive there is certainly plenty of variation. 

Women and Hotels 

“Women in hotels are the most trouble and most damaging to property,’ says a chambermaid who has been at this kind of work for 18 years. “Next in order of damage and trouble are young men. The least trouble are the older men who live alone. They are usually neat and orderly. Young men make much dirt and disorder from their cigars and cigarette ashes. Also, they sometimes burn holes in sheets or table covers, and they use towels to wipe off their shoes. But even at that, they do less harm than an average woman. More damage is done by rouge on towels than by using towels to wipe on shoes Then women have their facial powder or cold cream all over everything. They have many foolish little trinkets, and odds and ends of clothing, to be picked up, and they complain if one of these seems to be mislaid. Yes, and they are more likely to carry towels away with them than men are” 

Oil Sands Reached in Two Wells 

Further proof o the wealth of Alberta oil fields appears in the reports of two strikes, made during the past week in wells in the Turner Valley field. At the Dalhousie No. 5 well a heavy flow of crude oil, testing about 42 degrees Beauce, is reported at a depth of 4325 feet; while in the Regent well production of crude oil testing about 60 degrees Beauce was reached at 2365 feet. 

July 21 

The Dog Pound Stampede and Picnic that was to have been held yesterday, July 20th, has been postponed until Wednesday, August 3rd, owing to the very unsettled weather and the terrible state of the trails. 

Let us hope things improve a little by then. 

The Weather 

Unheard-of weather conditions have been experienced in the Cochrane district during the past few days. 

The terrific hail and electric storms of Sunday were followed on Monday by an equally severe one that swept across south of Cochrane, doing considerable damage in the Jumping Pound and Brushy Ridge districts. Hailstones of enormous size are reported to have fallen. 

On Tuesday the Ghost Valley was again hit by a storm of alarming ferocity, the hailstones being twice as large and falling for a much longer time than during the storm on Sunday. 

All crops in that area are now totally wiped out, and the roofing of light material was torn to pieces. 

Tourists arriving in Cochrane from the west at the time brought samples of hailstones the size of a tennis ball. 

Cochrane escaped with a deluge of rain and a little hail. 

July 28 

Another severe storm struck Cochrane and the surrounding district on Tuesday evening, low black clouds sweeping over from the north at about 5:30 p.m. bringing with them a perfect deluge of rain. Vivid flashes of lightning accompanied the storm, one of which blew the electric light fuses, no lights being available until about 9 o’clock. 

A haystack on Bill Edge’s place south of the river was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed. The stack had only been completed that afternoon. Hail fell in the Grand Valley, Beaverdam, and Lochend districts, doing considerable damage to crops, those on Mr. B. F. Rhodes’ ranch in Grand Valley being virtually ruined. 


Robt. Butler had a strenuous and busy day last Sunday up at Ghost River at his Refreshment tooth serving out ice cream and manufacturing ham sandwiches which to say the least were delicious! About 200 travellers visited the booth and were refreshed and the day being overbearingly hot they were certainly thankful that such a booth is there during the summer and pleased with the willing service of the genial owner. Misses McEachern, Andy Garson, Hughie McEwen, Jim McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Maggs and Miss Enid Maggs were visitors at the booth who motored up in the cool of the evening. By the way it is reported Bob is looking for a wife to help him out. 


July 21 

The Conservative Party of Alberta has issued a threat to re-organize. Possible the Liberal Party may take similar action. How would it be for the people of Alberta to send them somewhere, some pleasant retreat where they weary may be at rest, where they might take counsel together and decide to either come back to us as intelligent citizens, or just fade away, undisturbed by the onward march of civilization?

Deep Dive

Charles Webb Family

by Robbie Webb pg 660 Big Hill Country 1977

My father, Charles Webb, was born in Birmingham, England. He immigrated to Ontario in the 1890s, obtained some schooling there, and learned the blacksmith trade. He followed his trade, working at sawmills and railroad construction, including work on the first rail line in the Crows Nest Pass. 

At some time in Father’s career, he went on harvesting excursions to the Dakotas. This is where he met his future wife, Annie Clark, who with her parents had come originally from Devonshire, England. Her parents, the Henry Clarks, later moved from Crystal, North Dakota, to settle near Leduc, Alberta.

 After the death of his wife, my grandfather came to live with my parents. He passed away at Cochrane and is buried in the Cochrane Cemetery. 

After my parents were married they came to Calgary, about the year 1902, then went to Crossfield, where my father opened a blacksmith shop. I was born in Crossfield in 1906, and a year later my parents took up a homestead on the NW14 22-27-4-5, in what was later the Weedon district. Sometime later my father bought the adjoining quarter to the south, which had been homesteaded by Mr. Timmins. Logs and rough lumber were bought from the Quigley sawmill in the bush about twelve miles northwest, and a house, barn, chicken house, and blacksmith shop were soon built. Water supply was of course essential, and obtaining it proved to be a very arduous task. 

Although the land in the Weedon area is generally level, with rich productive soil, it has for many years been nicknamed “The Desert” because of the depth of underground streams and lack of springs. Mr. Hammond hand-dug my folks’ well and obtained a good supply of water at a depth of 110 feet. Well digging was slow hard work, both for the man down the hole and his partner who had to pull up the buckets of dirt. Quite often it was the homesteader’s wife who did that. Cave-ins of the hole had to be prevented with a cribbing of rough lumber or poles. 


The Mounties patrolled what was in those years, miles of unfenced land, and periodically rode into the different settlers’ places to get acquainted and to obtain food and lodging. They paid about thirty-five cents for a meal and a dollar for overnight accommodation for themselves and their horses, all by government cheque. 

The first few years that my parents were on the farm were very wet. There were lakes and muskegs where now there is solid ground. Grain and potatoes did not mature well, but there was ample prairie wool available to be cut for wintering the livestock. Gradually more ground was broken, the seasons became more frost-free, and good grain was grown. About 1918 my father bought a small threshing machine. It was made in Quebec and built mostly of hardwood and driven by a ten horsepower engine which weighed about a ton.

Each machine was mounted on a running gear and moved around by teams of horses. Many farmers’ crops were threshed by this outfit as it was one of the first in the district. My father used it to do custom work for several years. 

In 1918 my father bought his first automobile, a Model T. At this time many more made their appearance in the district. Tom Quigley was the Ford Agent in Cochrane. Another milestone was the purchase, in 1925, of our first tractor, a second-hand Titan, then a new John Deere and a modern threshing machine. For the first time, most of the farm work was being done with a tractor. 


Weedon School was the centre of the district’s social and other activities. Church services, Sun- day School classes, political meetings, dances, whist drives, school meetings, ball games, box socials, and the Christmas concert – all were held at the school. Of course, there was the annual Weedon picnic at the end of June, usually held at Mortimer Coulee. It was the midsummer counterpart of the Christmas concert, for it was a chance for neighbours and friends from far and wide to have a visit. The children had a great time competitions of all sorts, lots of ice cream cones, and if you were lucky, you might find lost nickels in the long grass by the concession booth! 

My parents had a family of four: myself, Mary, Harry, and Violet. I went into the trucking business for some years after I left the farm and then went into partnership with John Milligan, operating the Webb and Milligan Garage, formerly owned by Clem Colgan. I married Barbara Waddy of Calgary and we have one daughter, Shirley (Mrs. Lorne Helmig). Mary trained as a nurse during the early 1930s and married Alex Easton. They have a daughter and a son. Harry farmed the home place until he sold it in 1969 and retired to Creston, British Columbia. Violet married Norman Easton and they have a son and a daughter. 

Deep Dive

John Milligan and Christina Rasmussen Family

pg 666, More Big Hill Country 2009

John was born in Cochrane on July 10, 1910. He was raised on the ranch and got his normal schooling at the Inglis School that was built in 1917. In the fall, the first pupils to enroll were: 3 Irish King children, 3 Bells, 2 Malcolm girls, John Milligan, Eric North, and Douglas McDonald. The first teacher was Ms. Ruby Wood. After that, John went on to the Olds School of Agriculture and graduated in 1929. John joined the business in 1933 in Fort McLeod with his father, William Milligan. Their business was to become WJ Milligan & Son Farm Implements. 

Christina Rasmussen was born on August 3, 1912, in Cayley, Alberta. Following her education, she took employment at the High River General Hospital and graduated from Nurses Training in 1932. John and Christina were married on December 15, 1937. They returned to Fort McLeod where they had Carol, on November 22, 1939. They then moved to Calgary where Beth and Betty were born on February 9, 1942, at the Grace Maternity Hospital in Calgary. Judy was born November 20, 1943, also in Calgary. John, Christina, and the family moved to Cochrane in March 1944, where John bought half interest in what was known as Colgan Motors Garage. The name was later changed to Webb & Milligan Garage Ltd. and it was also the Esso station and Ford sales and service. Around 1967, Webb & Milligan sold out and became semi-retired. After that, they sold the big brick house and moved to the Rasmussen house. John built a car wash and worked part-time for Lorne Helmig at the Imperial bulk station in Cochrane. Over the years, they were very active in the community. Chris was at home and in school and worked as a volunteer for the Cancer Society for many years. She was also called upon in medical emergencies, as Cochrane didn’t have a doctor living there. Another nurse, Aileen Copithorne, and Chris attended to many accidents at the bottom of Cochrane Hill. John was a member of the school board for many years and also served a term on town council. Later he was to become a Commissioner of Oaths. John died at the Sundre hospital on March 15, 1977, at the age of 67. After John died, Chris moved to Castor. In 1982, she was honored to be invited to the new High River Hospital for the 50th reunion of her graduating class. Chris died September 5, 1984, at the age of 72 in Castor, Alberta. 

Carol Milligan Dunwoody 

I was born November 22, 1939, in Fort McLeod Hospital. We moved to Calgary in 1941 and to Cochrane in 1944. I attended the Cochrane School until grade 10. My first job was at the Red and White grocery store in Cochrane, then at the Royal Bank. At this time, I went to Calgary two nights a week for bookkeeping and secretarial courses, along with business machines. I moved to Calgary and was a traveling steno for the Calgary School Board. I married Pat Dunwoody, on April 30, 1960, at the United Church in Cochrane. We lived west of Rocky Mountain House for eight years then moved back to our farm in Sundre, where we farmed and did grader work for the oil companies. We had four children: Larry, Cindy, Penny, and Robyn. Pat passed away on July 31, 1993, at the age of 57. I am still living on the farm enjoying my family and grandchildren. I keep busy with the Royal Purple Lodge and volunteer singing at hospitals and lodges all over the county. 


Beth Milligan Peverell 

My sister and I arrived on February 9, 1942, in Calgary. After I quit school I worked at the drug store in Cochrane and then moved to Calgary where I worked at Eaton’s. I married Brian Peverell in September 1959. Brian worked for his Dad at the creamery and got his boiler papers and learned how to make butter. We have two children, Darrin and Sandra. We moved to Castor in January of 1972, where we bought the Paintearth Creamery. Brian got many awards over the years for his butter making. We retired in 2001 and are enjoying our summers fishing and camping in Central Alberta. 

Judy Milligan Dunwoody 

Married Wally Dunwoody in 1961. We lived in Sundre off and on until 1972, when we moved to British Columbia with our three girls, Diana, Donna. and Rosalee. We moved back to Sundre in 2001. 

Betty Milligan Mackey’s Family 

My twin sister, Beth, and I were born to Chris and John Milligan, on February 9, 1942, at the Grace Maternity Hospital in Calgary, Alberta. We lived in Calgary for the first two years of our lives, and then moved to Cochrane with our parents, our older sister Carol, and our baby sister Judy. Grandpa and Grandma Milligan lived there, and later, Mom’s folks Herman and Julia Rasmussen, also moved to Cochrane from Cayley, Alberta. Our early years were surrounded by love from these significant people in our lives. Grandpa Milligan would come on Sunday morning to take us to Sunday School, and Grandpa Ras was always good for a few pennies when we met him on the street, that would buy an ice cream cone at Hart’s Drug Store. 

Mom took us swimming at the Jumping Pound during the summers, and berry-picking and picnicking at Big Hill Springs. Dad had every third Sunday off from work, and we would go for a drive Sunday afternoons to enjoy the countryside, I thought the whole world was surrounded by hills and mountains, and it was a delightful surprise to discover that there was a much bigger world out there. 

St. Andrew’s United Church and the C.G.I.T. were major influences in my life, and after earning a degree in Education from the University of Alberta, I went to study theology and Christian Education at Covenant College and Emmanuel Theological Seminary at the University of Toronto. I was the student chairman of the Student Christian Movement of Canada, (SCM); an interdenominational organization affiliated with the World Student Christian Federation, (WSCF) and attended a world conference of that organization in 1963 in Cordoba, Argentina. That experience opened a whole new world, and after graduating from theological college, I went to work with the SCM of Jamaica for two and a half years. After returning to Canada, I worked as Atlantic Regional Secretary for the SCM of Canada and travelled to all the Universities and Colleges in that region. During that time I was co-chair of an International Student Conference being organized by the WSCF in Turkey, Finland, and travelled to Geneva for the planning meetings. 

In 1971, I changed focus and went to work for the Labrador West Integrated School Board in Labrador City/Wabush as the Christian education co-ordinator/guidance counsellor. It was there I met my husband, Paul Mackey, a native of Carbonear, Newfoundland. We were married on August 25, 1973, in Cochrane and lived in Calgary, Claresholm, Morinville and St. Albert. Our two children were born in Calgary, Jonathan, on December 7, 1975, and Leslee, on June 10, 1977. During this time, I studied at the University of Calgary for my Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology. This enabled me to become a Registered Psychologist with the Province. We have lived in St. Albert since 1980 and both children enjoy coming home for visits with family and friends. 

Paul and I were employed by Sturgeon School Division just north of St. Albert as Guidance Counsellors in the school system. After retiring from the school system in 2002, I continue to work part-time as a Psychological Consultant for Alberta Education. Paul and I divorced in 1996, and remain, good friends, as we share in the delights of our two children. Leslee is currently studying at the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Victoria, and Jonathan is doing a Master’s program in Health Care Administration at UBC. He is a major in the Canadian military. He is married to Edith Wong, a dentist, originally from Lima, Peru. They are expecting their first child in December 2007.

Deep Dive

Cochrane Centennial June 17 2003

by Bruce Boothby from the Harbidge Family History

In April of 2003, the descendants of William and Mary Davenport Harbidge acknowledged 100 years since the Allan Passenger Ship. Tunisian, brought 1527 passengers, including William and Mary, and their families to Canada. The family would immediately travel by train to Calgary North West Territories located in the Dominion of Canada. 

On June 17, 2003, Cochrane would celebrate the 100th year of corporate status. As part of their celebration, Centennial Square was created and a bronze statue saluting the pioneer women who established within the community. Bertha Harbidge, wife, of Charles Harbidge arrived with her husband in 1903 and was honoured in the celebration. Nan Boothby, a daughter of Charles and Bertha Harbidge would also be honoured. Nan was a passenger on the Tunisian in April 2003. Many descendants of the family were in attendance. The youngest descendant was a great, great, grandson named Dakoda and himself a grandson of Beryl Harbidge who was grandson of Bertha. 

Mary Harbidge Hupkes, a daughter of Bertha Harbidge, was able to attend in her 81st year and is pictured below with her son Charles.

Mary Harbidge Hupkes and son Charles

Many of the descendants of William and Mary Harbidge attended. At the close of the ceremonies, I was able to locate descendants Shirley Blatchford Rushfeldt and Charles Hupkes and photograph them at the statue with Mary Harbidge Hupkes.

Bruce Boothby is a son of Nan Boothby and grandson of Charles and Bertha Harbidge.

Deep Dive

George Bunney

- by George Bunney Jr.  pg 205 Big Hill Country 1977

My father came to Cochrane from Cornwall, England, in 1912. He worked at the blacksmith shop owned at that time by Sam Christianson. In the fall of 1913, he left Cochrane and went to work in a blacksmith shop at Pincher Creek, Alberta. He came back to Cochrane and at that time a shop was available at Bottrel. This he rented from Mr. Boucher and went into the blacksmith business again. 

In August 1914, World War I broke out and Dad, being a British Reservist, had to go. He served Overseas until 1919, then came back to Cochrane and purchased the blacksmith shop from George Hope. He later sold the shop back to George. 

In January 1920, Dad and Miss Lily Edith Peyto were married, and in 1921 they moved to the C. W. Fisher place and started a dairy business. They remained there for eight years. Dad ran a door-to-door delivery of milk to the residents of Cochrane while living in the Fisher place. In 1929 he purchased the Tweed property south of the Bow River and moved the dairy business there. For twenty-five years, Dad delivered milk door-to-door, never missing a day. Because of ill health, he stopped the daily milk delivery and started shipping cream to the creamery. In 1954 I took over the dairy business from my father.

Mother and Dad had two children, Ellen, and myself. Ellen married Ed Beynon. She passed away on April 16, 1948. They had two children, Florence, and Edward Clive. Edward passed away on June 4, 1944, at the age of 5 months. I married Donna Washington and we have three sons: George, Alan, and William. 

We sold our property south of the river and moved to a dairy farm north of Bearspaw. About a year ago we sold this farm and moved to our present home, two miles east of Innisfail. I am still in the dairy business with a purebred herd of Holstein cattle. 

Dad passed away in 1961. Mother lives in her own home across the road from us and keeps well at the age of 82 years.

Deep Dive

Fred and Bernice Reid

By Michael Simpson pg 668 More Big Hill Country 2009

Fergus Felic Frederick Irwin was born in the District of Islington in the County of London, England on January 26, 1904. The family moved to Maple Creek Saskatchewan in 1905. His father, Frank Irwin, died in 1910 and his mother, Mary Ann (nee Stronham) ran away with a salesman, leaving three young children destitute. They were adopted by three Reverends: Fred by Rev. Reid, thus his name change to Reid. 

Fred obtained his teaching certificate in Saskatchewan in 1923 and taught until 1944. On June 27, 1935, he married Bernice Stansbury Fletcher at the United Church in Cochrane, Alberta. The best man was Eddie Simpson and the bridesmaid was Eveline Fletcher. The newlyweds moved to Meota Saskatchewan, where they lived in a small teacherage in winter and a tipi in summer. 

In November 1944 they moved back to Cochrane and took up residence in one of the new cabins of Cochrane Auto Service. Fred established a radio and TV repair shop. Around 1946, Fred and Bernice took over ownership of The Old Timer (Cochrane’s only newspaper) from the original publisher, Father Lessard, a Catholic priest. Bernice was the editor until its demise around 1960. 

Fred died October 17, 1956 and Bernice passed away October 1, 1991. They had no children, but left a niece, Mary Simpson and a nephew, Michael Simpson. 

Eastend Cochrane 1959

This is an interesting photo of Cochrane as it shows:

  1. How 1A turned into Cochrane and ran down 1st Avenue
  2. The Reid TV repair shop was east of 1st Ave on 1St beside Webb & Milligan Service station (later Bow Ridge Motors)
Cochrane Parade 1927

Cochrane Advocate Articles June 1921 – 1927

Gordon Davies has curated articles from the paper that served early Cochrane, the Cochrane Advocate. Images are from CHAPS’ archives and only give a representation of life at the time.

June 16,1921 

The proposal of the Council to keep cattle off the streets seems to have been met with general approval. Among the cow owners, the opinion is held that the cows are better in a pasture outside town and there is a great feeling of satisfaction because of the improvement of having the streets free from cows wandering about. It may be necessary to institute a pound law and to appoint a pound keeper, but so long as cow owners maintain their present attitude his duties will be light. 

June 30, 1921 


To Owners of Cows in the Village of Cochrane 

It has been decided by the Village Council of Cochrane that unless cows out kept in the village are kept in an enclosed pasture, it will be necessary to institute a pound law, effective from the 1st of July. This restriction applies both during the day and night. 



June 30, 1921

The plague of locusts was an unpleasant visitation and the myriads of little black grasshoppers seemed to be almost as serious. It is reported they are invading Calgary, although no reason is given. No damage by them through this district has been reported. A really good rain would be welcome. 

June 5, 1924 

Grading work along the Banff highway is going ahead fast. The roads west of Cochrane are, unavoidably, in very poor condition for automobile traffic at the present time. A great improvement has been made at Coal Creek, where the road on the west side has been moved further south, thus reducing the grade and doing away with the sharp corner at the top.

Road Crew First Grading

June 19, 1924 

Rain has fallen almost continually over the Cochrane district during the last week and prospects for another bumper crop this year are very promising indeed. There is now an ample supply of moisture, but a spell of good, hot weather is what is chiefly needed at the present time. 

June 19, 1924 

The fishing season opened last Sunday, but so far there is no prospect of the rivers being in condition for a week or two yet. Licenses may be purchased from Mr. C. Grayson. 

June 19,1924 

Work started last Monday on the road west of Lake Louise, which is to be extended as far as Field. 

June 19, 1924 

Beer Licenses 

On Tuesday morning last, the Alberta Hotel resumed somewhat of its old appearance previous to the closing of the bars in 1916. Having secured a license, Harry opened up the beer sales room for business. This room is comfortably fitted out with small tables and chairs and included both the old bar room and the rotunda. Hours of sale are from 8 a.m. until 10 weekdays with the exception of Saturdays, when the beer sales room closes at 9 p.m. 


Murphy Hotel (Alberta Hotel)
Murphy Hotel (Alberta Hotel)

June 9, 1927 

The King’s Birthday 

To celebrate the 64th anniversary of King George’s birthday, an appropriate flag-raising ceremony was held in the school playgrounds on Friday, June 3rd by the school children. 

When the children had been lined up near the flagstaff, Mr. J. Andison then performed the hoisting ceremony, the pupils simultaneously coming to the salute, and with eyes raised to their country’s emblem they recited a few appropriate words vowing allegiance to their King and Country. 

Mr. Andison then gave them a short address on what the flag stood for, pointing out why they should always respect and defend it because it represented their King, their Country, and all that was dear to them, and that no country ever achieved anything worthwhile if this patriotic feeling and close allegiance to the flag was not prevalent. 

He went on to tell them that it was just this strong patriotism that brought about Confederation in 1867 four years after the birth of our present King George. Confederation, he told them, was really the foundation of Canada, as we know it today, was built. 

After Mr. Andison’s address the first verse of “O Canada” was sung followed by “God Save the King”. 

Cochrane Parade 1927
Cochrane Parade 1927

June 23, 1927 

The Diamond Jubilee of Confederation celebrations will really commence on Thursday, June 30th, when the children will put on a programme at the school, commencing at 2:30 p.m., which will include a pageant, relative to Confederation and the growth of Canada, and recitations etc. Everyone is welcome. 

June 23, 1927 

Diamond Jubilee of Confederation FUNDS 

Cochrane going over the top for the Jubilee Celebration! 

The Finance Committee this week are happy. 

The citizens of Cochrane and district are to be congratulated upon the handsome response to the appeal for funds 

It is now certain the Objectives will be passed and we can feel that our people do appreciate Canada, and what Canada has done for us. Now for a fine day on the 1st of July, and a real good time for everybody. 

If you have not already subscribed don’t wait to be asked – send it in. No matter what the amount of your subscription it will thankfully received by the Secretary, W. R. Daws, or A. Chapman, Treas. 

(NOTE; a list of subscribers followed showing the amount donated and the total funds to date were $625.51) 

June 30, 1927 

The Eau Claire Lumber Co’s log drive from their lumber camp on the north fork of the Ghost River, is making rapid progress this year, the logging crews reaching the Bow River at the beginning of the week.

June 30, 1927 


The Indians first hear sounds of the eager white man’s feet. 

And quickly passed the peace pipe and shared their land and meat. 

Then the white men took their land, and built their cities fair, 

And plowed, harrowed, and tilled the ground, with all their utmost care. 

May the Indians enjoy the advantage of the day; 

We should pour upon them blessings for their land we took away. 

‘Tis the Diamond Jubilee with people far and near celebrating the birthday of our land so young and fair. 

The Diamond Jubilee with folks on every hand drinking the toast to Canada throughout the whole young land. 

Leah Braucht 

(Leah Braucht, of Cochrane, who is only ten years old, shows unique talent for verse that should be encouraged. We hope to hear further from her. Editor)

Frank and Annie White

by Dorothy M. Edge pg 149 Big Hill Country 1977

Frank White, a cultured Englishman, was born in Birmingham, England, in 1844, one of thirteen children. He immigrated to Canada in 1860, with his mother and father, Sir William White, and all of his brothers and sisters, with the exception of the two eldest brothers, who by that time were grown up and established in business. They came by sailing ship and it took over three months to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Liverpool to Montreal. For several years Frank worked for the Grand Truck Railroad at different places in Quebec. He married Christina Ross from Cornwall, Ontario, and they had two sons, Frank and William, and one daughter, Jessie. Christina passed away when the children were very young and they were brought up by their aunt, Miss Marion Ross, at Cornwall. Frank Jr. became a renowned organist. He lived in New Rochelle, New York. William worked for Canadian Cottons Ltd. in the Maritimes. Jessie married William Munro and they farmed at Martintown, Ontario. 


In 1882 Frank was hired to be the business manager for M. H. Cochrane, president and founder of the Cochrane Ranche Company. He came West from Montreal and arrived in Calgary on September 18, 1882, and was employed at the Cochrane Ranche until the end of 1884. While living in the area of Big Hill, Frank kept a diary that contained a valuable and precise history of the early Cochrane Ranche. The diary dates from January 1, 1881, to November 22, 1890, and is now the property of The Glenbow Foundation in Calgary. During the 1940s and early 1950s, under the auspices of Alex McTavish, monthly installments from the diary were published in the Canadian Cattleman Magazine. Alex’s wife Martha typed the serials each month for her husband. This was a tedious endeavor because the writing was very small in places and she had to use a magnifying glass. Many names are mentioned throughout the diary. It seems that almost everyone who was ever in the area of the “Big Hill Country” in the “good old days” was recorded in the diary at one time or another. 

In the summer of 1884, Frank anticipated he might be relieved of his duties with the Company since the ranche had suffered heavy cattle losses two years in succession and the necessity to economize was evident. 

In September of 1884, Frank visited Fort Edmonton to see Annie Anderson, whom he had met in Point Levis, Quebec, many years before. Fort Edmonton was built in 1808 by the Hudson’s Bay Company as a fur-trading post, and it was a five-day stage trip from Fort Calgary, which was established by the North West Mounted Police in 1875. When Frank arrived back in Calgary he took his light wagon and with his best team, “Banjo” and “Bones”, whose names were reminiscent of the colored minstrel shows that were popular at the time, started out for the Mount Royal Ranch and Morleyville. He stopped for dinner at Big Hill and visited with W. D. Kerfoot and reached the Mount Royal Ranch after dark. The next day he went to Morleyville and had supper at Trader David McDougall’s. 

With thoughts of a sheep project on his mind, Frank looked over the countryside and called in at Boyds, Griers, Sibbalds and Rev. John McDougall’s, where he met Tom Fawcett, the Dominion Land Surveyor. Richard Hardisty, a Hudson’s Bay Company Factor, who was in Morleyville at the time, was interested to hear of Frank’s interest in the sheep business, and Frank told him he had negotiated for a range lease. The Hardistys and the McDougalls were good friends of Frank’s and they often went skating together on the Elbow River. One time when Frank had supper with the Hardistys, salmon and beaver tail were served. Beaver tail was considered a delicacy by the old Hudson’s Bay Traders and was served on festive occasions. 

Frank made a trip to Montreal and on December 19, 1884, he finished his connection with the Cochrane Ranche Company to establish himself in the sheep-raising business. He spent the intervening months raising capital for his new venture, visiting relatives, and buying furniture and equipment to establish a new home in the West. His aim was to locate in the vicinity of Ghost River. 

In the spring of 1885, Frank visited W. D. Kerfoot, who was manager of the British American Ranche Co., at Big Hill, and they looked over the remaining burned sheep that had been caught in a prairie fire. They rode on up into the big valley (Grand Valley) to where W.D. said he would like to homestead. They rode west past Beaupré’s old place and then W.D. returned to Big Hill and Frank went on to Morleyville. 

Frank’s furniture and belongings from Montreal finally arrived at Morley by train. He moved everything in a pouring rain storm to a cabin opposite McDougall’s. He proceeded to unpack things so they could dry out. He unpacked a wild vine which he planted down in McDougall’s garden. The next afternoon he rode over the range with Albert Boyd and later caught the train to Calgary to meet with Jim Robertson, a Scotsman, who had not faltered on his desire to go into the partnership agreement regarding the sheep business. A few days later Frank and Jim headed for Ghost River. It was still very muddy from all the rain and they got stuck with their wagon eight miles from Big Hill. Frank rode to get W. D. Kerfoot to come and help out with the load. They finally got to Morley and looked over the MacDonell place and the orphanage land but could not decide to pay anything for either place. Finally they decided on a place at the end of a coulee west of Ghost River. They proceeded to make ready winter quarters and got a new cabin built before going to Montana to drive up a band of sheep. Frank was the breadmaker and thought it was a real treat when “Lupino” yeast cakes first came on the market. This way he didn’t have to keep a supply of sourdough on hand. 

On June 27, 1885, Frank and his party left the cabin at Ghost River, bound for Montana. The summer was spent on the trail. They spent ten days at Fort Benton then went north along the Teton River. They finally purchased a band of sheep from Mr. Graden. They followed the trail homeward along the base of the foothills where water was available. They used two wagons tandem hooked pulled by a four-horse team. This only required the use of one man. They travelled about nine miles a day with 2100 head of sheep. By September 26th, the band was being herded west of Big Hill, up along Beaupré Creek, and on to Ghost River. They arrived at their established home on September 27, 1885. 

On October 20, 1885, Frank and Annie Ander- son were married in Edmonton. Annie was born at Point Levis, Quebec, on August 4, 1853, and was one of the passengers on the first passenger train to arrive in Calgary in 1883. During the second Riel Rebellion she filled cartridges for the soldiers and proved to be a real frontiersman. Annie and Frank had one son, Harold, who was born at Mitford, North West Territories, on December 17, 1888. The Whites were active supporters of All Saints Anglican Church, Mitford, which Frank helped to build. 

Rev. John McDougall was prepared to protest any encroachment of sheep on what he claimed as orphanage property. The planned orphanage was to be an institution to care for orphaned Indian (sic) children. On April 1886, Rev. John McDougall made inquiries about logs that had been put near the upper orphanage field by Jim Robertson. Frank explained that they were for a lambing corral. After two and a half hour discussion, McDougall said he would not allow Frank to use the orphanage land longer than six weeks, and that a protest to this effect was already on file. Frank was not in the position to move right then but said since the matter was in the hands of the Federal Government he would abide by their decision. McDougall said he would not abide by their decision unless it gave him and the settlers what they felt they were entitled to. McDougall claimed that he had been promised what land he wanted for the orphanage, to the extent of 2000 acres, by Sir John A. Macdonald six years previous and that the promise had been renewed four years ago and again was being reviewed. In the fall of 1884, Frank had bought $300 worth of wire to fence the area and was expecting to get a grant from the Government by 1885 which would enable him to erect buildings of stone or at least with stone foundations. 

It was strange that in a country with such vast unoccupied townships that two men should dispute over a few acres of land. Was it a resentment toward newcomers, or could it be the ancient feud between sheepmen and cattlemen? 

When the Special Train from Montreal to Vancouver, with Sir John A. Macdonald and party aboard, arrived in Calgary on July 21, 1886, negotiations took place with Frank White et al. The Government settled the dispute in favor of Rev. John McDougall. Frank was to move out of the Morleyville district and in compensation was given land south of the Bow River. No time was wasted in moving the sheep, as final arrangements had been completed on that date and by July 24, 1886, the first stage of the move took place. They herded the sheep toward Big Hill and crossed the railroad bridge at Mitford, two and a half miles west of Big Hill. Frank laid boards between the rails to create a platform on which to drive the sheep across. This move was to the distinct advantage of Frank because he had more range and better grazing land, so July 1886, marked the beginning of his “Merino Ranch.” By 1890 he was running about 5000 head of sheep. 

Around 1901 Frank sold the Merino Ranch to C. W. Fisher, and the Whites moved to Fernie, British Columbia, where Frank was the land commissioner for the Crow’s Nest Coal Company. He passed away in his eightieth year in January 1924. Annie passed away in March 1941, at the age of 88. 

Harold started to work as a mining engineer for the Coal Company in 1909. He served three and a half years in the First World War. He worked for brief periods for the British Columbia Government during which time he designed the first bridge at Skookumchuk. He also worked for the East Kootenai Power Company at Bull River. On August 9, 1928, he married Marion McAllister who was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, on February 9, 1891. Harold passed away after a heart attack on July 30, 1949. Marion still makes her home in Fernie. 

EXCERPTS FROM FRANK WHITE'S DIARY - as published by Alex McTavish 

June 21st, 1885. New Cabin. Robertson and I rode over range going up Greer Coulee, up Warnock Coulee to site of proposed summer corral, thence through timber to creek running down from Sibbald’s homestead. Started at 9 a.m., back at 2. After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. McD. rode down to cabin looking for stray mare. Evening, figuring on Robertson proposition. Wrote Murdock ordering harness. 

The harness was mostly hand-made by the local harness maker. 

June 22nd, 1885. New Cabin. Eve. rode to Morley, no mail. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Miss Flora McDougall at D. McDougall’s. Bought yeast and oatmeal. 

More bread and porridge. 

June 23rd, 1885. New Cabin. Albert Boyd came up to proposed site of fall corral and walked round to nearest timber. He offers to build corral 190 by 80 ft. (5 ft. high) for $65.00. Caught in heavy rain storm, Albert lent me his saddle blanket and I walked back to cabin. Boyd thinks he can trade two decent mares for the iron 

grey colt, so Jim started at once on the buckskin mare for Big Hill to bring the colt here. I baked and made a pole bedstead and finished the table. B.A.R. Co. finished shearing and began to pack their wool. 

Wool was quoted at 18 1⁄2¢ per lb. in Toronto on the above date. 

June 24th, 1885. New Cabin, cloudy and very warm. I finished the bedstead and dug holes for corral posts and fitted in the stable door. Jim got back from Big Hill without iron-grey horse, the horse having been turned out with a bunch that is now astray. Camp outfit sent after them. I went to Mrs. Boyd’s and got milk, wet through by rainstorm on way back. 

A homesteader’s bed was made of boards and covered with a hay-filled tick. Upland hay always carried its quota of speargrass, which helped to make life realistic for the sleeper. 

June 25th, 1885. New Cabin. Building hay corral. Andrew Sibbald called and said he doubted if he or Warnock would work for A. R. Boyd cannot trade horses as Ricks values his mare at $75.00. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson leave tomorrow. Dr. Girard at David’s, extracted a tooth for Miss Ruth. 

June 27th, 1885. New Cabin. Clear, fine, and very warm. Straightened up poles and stuff around stable, put wagon box on end, and left key at Mrs. Boyd’s. At one p.m. started with two horse team “Billy and Dick”, and Mr. Kerfoot’s saddle horse for Big Hill on way to Montana. Supper and camped with Mr. and Mrs. Kerfoot. Horses traveled 18 miles. 

On June 27th, Mr. White left his cabin on Ghost River, bound for Montana to purchase sheep to stock his new range. He spent summer on the trail, for he did not return till September 27th. 

June 28th, 1885. Big Hill, clear and fine all a.m. With Mr. Kerfoot and Robertson around wool and sheep shed and stable. Mike agreed to come down to Montana with us, we to board him down and pay him $45.00 per month from the time of purchase of the sheep. We intended to start for Calgary today but decided to wait here a day, so as to give them a chance to find Mike’s horse which has got away from him. 

Mike was evidently a sheepherder from the B.A. Ranch and being taken to Montana to assist in driving the sheep back to Alberta. 

June 29th, 1885. Big Hill, on way to Montana. Settled up account with Kerfoot, got Billy and Dick vented and everything ready at 11 a.m. and started for Calgary with Robertson. Camped at lake and got to Calgary at 7 p.m. Bringing collie pup for Mrs. H. and one for self. Arranged for new harness. Supper at Royal, saw Ogburn and took clothes to laundry. 

A good dog is essential in sheep-herding. 

June 30th, 1885. Calgary, on way to Montana. Had horses, Billy and Dick, shod, first time. Bought tent, oats and cook stove and had picket pins and swivels made. Albert Boyd and Ricks came down and Mrs. and Mr. Dave McDougall. Dinner at Royal, supper at Mrs. Hardisty’s. Old Mike came down from Big Hill and we tried to persuade him to sleep with J. Robertson but he said he must have a jamboree and would surely 

be on hand to start at 5 o’clock tomorrow a.m. Bought ice cream and took it down to Mrs. Hardisty’s. Slept at Royal after having a long talk with Matt Dunn. Decided to use my pass and ride on stage to save our horses as much as possible. 

The Ricks mentioned above was Frank Ricks, reputed to be the top bronc rider of the early days. His ranch was southwest of Cochrane. 

July 1st, 1885. Calgary. 4 a.m. with Robertson got the team and outfit ready. Mike came up and tied his cayuse and dogs to the wagon then disappeared. We ferried load across Elbow and I spent an hour seeking for Mike, then brought his cayuse back to Baines’ livery stable. Robertson started for Montana at 6 a.m. Found that Mike had been put in the guard room and broken out, had walked to head off the team. Had slipped his money, $130.00, in his pant leg and police only got what change he had out $9.00. I got his small traps from Mr. Boys. 11:30 a.m. with Hardistys to picnic on Elbow. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall and about 30 others were there. Got things ready to start in the morning and at 10:30 went down to bid goodbye to Hardistys. Party of friends there, broke up at 12. Settled with D. McD. for house logs and paid him $150.00 for Boyd. 

Men like Mike, who toil in backwoods places, are prone to cut loose.

Deep Dive

Agriculture and related services

pg 28 More Big Hill Country 2009

When the CPR line arrived in Cochrane in 1883, United Grain Growers built and operated a Grain Elevator beside it. United Grain Growers operated this elevator until the 1960’s when it was purchased by Parrish and Heimbecker. They ran the elevator until it burned down on February 14, 1981. Some of the Agents that worked in the Grain Elevator were Bob McKnight, Jack McLeod. Malcolm “Mac” Kopas and Harvey Thompson. 


Due to the large numbers of cattle being raised in the country, stockyards were built near the train tracks and the local ranchers and farmers trailed their cattle and horses there to be bought, sold, or shipped by rail. There were also stockyards at Mitford, on the south side of the Bow River where cattle were shipped from as late as the early 1940s. Crossing the river with cattle was always a difficult and dangerous job, so the trains loaded the cattle from the Mitford site. In the late 1940s trucks began to appear that could handle trucking to the Calgary Stockyards. 


In 1909 there was an auctioneer business run by King and Bevan and by 1911, it was called King and Webster. Then in 1913, W.A. Mackenzie offered auctioneer services. Joe Taylor was auctioneering in 1924 and by 1946, Ed Thompson was offering his services in this business. 

Farm Machinery 

Records show that C.W. Fisher and Alex McEwan were selling Farm machinery soon after the turn of the 20th Century. This was horse-drawn equipment like wagons, plows, hay mowers, and hay rakes. Russell Webster took over Fisher’s machinery lines in 1909 but Val Fisher kept the Cockshutt Line and McEwan handled Massey Harris, a Canadian company. Robert Butler succeeded Webster with McCormick and Deering, Frost and Wood, and the Oliver dealership. Robert Butler also handled Union Oil and Gas, which later became British American oil and gas. 

Tractors were becoming popular as well as grain binders and threshing machines so in 1916, a local blacksmith George Hope, acquired a John Deere franchise. Robert Young bought the International dealerships. McCormick and Deering from Bob Hogarth in 1932. Bob Hogarth had succeeded R. Butler. 

Whittle Implements was the International Harvester Dealer for farm machinery and repairs  

Veterinary Services 

There were no veterinary services available in Cochrane for many years however at times if things were needed the Drugstore kept a small supply of medicine for emergency needs. Many supplies were purchased from Eaton’s Catalogue and during the early years Veterinary Care was serviced from the Animal Clinic in Calgary and later Dr. Brian Edge built the Rockyview Animal Clinic. Dr. Quine did some work from his farm on the south west side of the steel bridge over the Bow River. The first vets in the Cochrane area had a large area to cover but certainly were a welcomed help at the farm gate when needed. 

Brickyards and Stone Quarries 

The Big Hill Country had many sandstone quarries in the early years and many of the buildings in downtown Calgary are built with this sandstone. The Shelley Quarry Company opened in 1908 and during 1911 to 1913, three quarries were operating up the valley of Big Hill Creek. Shelley Quarry sandstone was shipped to Calgary for finishing at the Headquarters of the Company. The sandstone was also sent to other parts of Alberta for use in buildings. The Glenbow Quarry was operating around the turn of the twentieth century and the Legislature Building and Government House in Edmonton are both constructed of sandstone from the Glenbow and Cochrane Quarries The quality of the sandstone was excellent and the quarries in the area provided much needed work for many immigrants in the early days. 

In 1891, Tom Cochrane established a brickyard at Mitford which he ran for a little over a year. In the late 1890s Mr. Little established a brickyard and Pete Collins took it over, building the first kiln in 1902. Collins brickyard shut down during WW1 but 

reopened after the war in 1918 and operated into the 1920s. The French Brickyard was established by E. Perrenoud and J. Boudreau in 1904. Gabriel Bruel bought them out a short time later. In 1914, Mr. Bruel and most of his employees were called back to France to serve in the army. The brickyard was shut down and did not reopen. Then in 1910, Mr. Quigley started a brickyard however it went bankrupt before World War I in 1914.

In 1911, J. Murphy and Mr. Loder established the Cochrane Brick Company and Charlie Burnham bought them out. This brickyard was situated near the intersection of the present Highway 22 and 1A (in south west corner). After the war new sources of Brick were found nearer to Calgary and the brick business in Cochrane ceased. 

Coal and Gas 

Tom Cochrane mined some coal on the south side of the Bow River, west of Mitford. This enterprise did not last too long although later the Hozaida mines operated for a few years and the coal was used locally. Some was shipped on the train from Radnor crossing. In 1909, J.D. Curran had a coal mine on the south side of the Bow called Coal Mine Creek. Cochrane’s coal was not of the best grade so many still imported their coal from the Carbon, Drumheller area. As natural gas came in to the town and many of the rural areas, coal was not as widely used. 

Natural Gas was discovered early in the 20th Century in the Jumping Pound area. It was discovered by some early ranchers and researchers thus early drilling began. However, the field was not developed fully for production until the early 1950s. This was a great boon to the town of Cochrane as many employees lived there or in the surrounding districts and more moved in. 

Sawmills and Lumber 

Whenever people build homes they must have a source of lumber. In this area, Morley probably had the first sawmill as Andrew Sibbald, Alberta’s first school teacher, had experience in the sawmill business in Ontario and brought a sawmill to the Morleyville area with him. At Mitford, Tom Cochrane started a sawmill as his first enterprise. This venture lasted from 1886 to 1890. In Cochrane, the Murphy Brothers operated a lumberyard from 1898 until Joe’s death in 1920. Mr. Tom Quigley ran a lumberyard from 1910 until 1913 selling lumber from his mill west of Cochrane. When 

Sid Chester bought the Howard Block in 1913, he operated a lumberyard west of Third Ave West, a half block from First Street. To the west, beyond the Wildcat Hills, the Brooks family still operates a sawmill that started in 1923. It has lasted many generations and is still doing business eighty-five years later. Tom Zuccolo and his family had a small sawmill northwest of Cochrane. They used to bring wood into Cochrane to sell as firewood and they supplied lumber for the Dartique Hall built in 1934. In 1938, Mr. Al Mottet bought a sawmill, and with his brother George they bought a planer and sold lumber until the mid-forties. Other sawmills were located in the Bottrel area including the Buckler Brothers. They ran their mill both on the family farm and in the Deer Springs area as well they cut and peeled poles for Calgary Power in the late 1950s. Also in the 1950s others began sawing and planning lumber including Scott Lumber and J&L Lumber. Mr. A. Scott cut and sawed in the Kananaskis and his planer was in Cochrane where the recently vacated trailer park was located. (Corner of 5th Ave. and Glenbow Drive). About this time Mr. Alex Howes started a sawmill in Grand Valley. By 1950, he and his sons had opened a retain lumberyard in Cochrane. 

They advertised dressed lumber, rough lumber, building blocks, shingles, cement, nails, Monarch Paint, and brushes. In 1974, Dalton and Gloria Gibson purchased the lumberyard and ran it until 1979, they then sold it to a group led by Dr. Urban, from the Bearspaw area. The business was expanded to include a second location in Crossfield. The Cochrane location was discontinued but the lumberyard still operates in Crossfield under the name Howes Bros. in Crossfield. 

In 1974, Spray Lake Sawmills moved into town. Their operation included using the by-products as well as the lumber. The company has a large labour force and is a great asset to the community. In 1973, Cantree Building Supplies was opened by the Dickey Brothers, catering to the needs of the building trade and the urban people. As Cochrane has always served the surrounding farm and ranch community’s needs this business did not last more than 4 or 5 years. 

Deep Dive

Miscellaneous but necessary

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The Union Bank of Canada was the first bank in Cochrane and opened in 1910. In 1925 it became the Royal Bank of Canada. This was the only bank in Cochrane until the late 1970s. Both the Bank of Montreal and the Toronto Dominion Bank opened outlets but soon closed their doors. Some twenty years later they returned. In the late 1970s the Alberta Treasury Branch opened in the new Provincial Building on Main Street, later moving to its own building at its present location of 5th Ave. The Bow Valley Credit Union also came to town. It was built on the corner of 1st Street and 4th Avenue before moving to its present location on 5th Ave. 

Doctors, Dentists, and Medical Assistance 

As there were no medical Doctors in the late 1800s,  Midwives assisted in many of the births in the district. Margaret (Hatton) Robinson was here in 1898 and delivered many babies. Mrs. Dickie Smith, widow of R. Smith, manager of the Mitford Hotel was the mid-wife during the early 1900s and in 1902 she purchased the Sharp House (near Yee Lee’s) and turned it into a maternity hospital. The first Doctor in Cochrane was Dr. Toronto and he operated it for a time. Dr. Park moved to and lived in Cochrane before and after WW I. He practiced in the town and in the surrounding countryside. He traveled on horseback or by horse and buggy. Dr. Ritchie, who was farming on the south side of the Bow River was called on occasion to set a broken bone or tend to an emergency. Dr. Mecklenberg was an optician and he had his office in the Alberta Hotel in 1915. A Dentist, Dr. G.A. Pollard made regular visits to Cochrane in 1916. Then Dr.Waite came to town in 1920 and ran the pharmacy in 1923. Dr. Rivers was the resident Doctor during the Depression years. 

There was a pharmacy by the name of Currey Drug Store in 1921. Dr. Lymon was a dentist and he had an office at the west end of the Howard Block. Dr. Quirk had an office in the hotel in the 1940s and Dr. Cameron came to town and had an office in the hotel and then moved to the Texaco cabins. Dr. Milne came to Cochrane from Calgary a few days a week in the 1960s. Dr. Prowse opened an office in the Texaco cabins and came out 1 or 2 days a week. Dr. Milne left and Dr. Cox and Dr. McQuitty opened an Office in the old Hart’s Drug store on Main Street. Until then many residents had to go to Calgary for a family physician. 

Legal Services 

There was a Law Office in the Cochrane Hotel for a while in the early years. An ad in the local paper in 1915 announced the firm of Griffiths, Ford, Wright, and Miller would be available for business every Saturday in the Office of George Pitter. From the 1940s until the 1980’s many people went to R.E. Moore for legal advice. He graciously helped them and would take them or use Calgary lawyers to do the business. Otherwise, individuals would go to Calgary themselves to deal with legal matters with the lawyers there. In the late 1970s Ramsay and Ramsay opened a Law Practice in the old Hart’s Drug Store that had been Dr. McQuitty’s office on the main street. Today there are several lawyers in town giving the citizens needing these services a choice without having to go into the city. 

Insurance and Real Estate 

Charles Grayson had one of the first known businesses that sold Insurance. Also, H.C. Farthing has an advertisement in the local paper. In 1912, S. Jones and George Pitter, as well as R.A. Webster, sold Real Estate and at some point, Sid Chester did also. McLeod Insurance and Big Country Realty were both owned and operated by Jack McLeod. He ran his business out of his cabins on First Street West. Jack represented Saskatchewan Mutual until he sold his insurance business to Whittle Agencies. Frank Whittle sold insurance from his implement business. It is thought he started selling insurance in about 1940. He passed away in May 1956 and later his son Ray took over the insurance part of the business and opened Whittle Agencies Ltd. which he operated until the mid-1990’s when he retired and sold out to a group from High River. The Business is still in operation in 2008. Lillian Bryant started Cochrane Insurance in the 1970s and later sold it to Ben Van der Vegt. It is still operating today as Cochrane Agencies. Today Banks as well as small individual insurance agencies have provided many options to serve the people of Cochrane and the area for all their needs in the insurance and investment business. 


In the Cochrane Advocate in 1909 a lady Mrs. Taylor took in washing for a couple of years. The main laundry was run by a Chinese (sic) man Yee Lee. In the 1960s Gordon Hinther opened a Laundromat in the building that had been Andison’s Meat Market. Then in the late 1970’s when the Cochrane Valley Shopping Centre opened, a Laundromat opened there. This business is still operating as Prairie Laundry Mat. Others have come and gone. 

Telephone Exchange Building 

Belle Truman had the first telephone exchange in Cochrane and Ethel Crowe worked for her in 1920. Ernie Crowe was the agent for Alberta Government Telephones at that time. Belle had girls working for her on three eight-hour shifts daily. There was a small cot beside the switchboard and whoever was on the night shift would sleep there. 

The ringing of the switchboard was loud enough to wake them. The Telephone Exchange Office was located on First Street West. The telephone lines were party lines. Every telephone on each line had its own distinct ring. In 1968 rotary telephones were introduced to Cochrane and in early 1979’s AGT built a new exchange station on the site of the old Lind Pool Hall on First Avenue West. The old brick-clad building was demolished in the 1990s and the bricks were used to build the structure and sign on the Royal Bank property on the corner of First Street and First Avenue West. 

Shoe Stores and Repairs 

The first known shoe shop in Cochrane was opened by a Greek Citizen, Nick Cosis who came to Cochrane 

1919 right after WW I. His first store was in the Fisher Block until it burned down in 1927. Nick then moved his shop to a building on the northeast corner of 2nd Ave and 2nd Street. He ran this shop until the 

1950’s when he moved to Calgary. The next shoe store opened in the brick building on 1st Ave West. The owner and operator of this store was Paul Nytrai. He ran this shop from the 1960s to the 1970s. He brought his sister and brother over from Europe and they took over the shop for a short time before it closed. Andison’s Store also sold shoes. 

Hardware Stores 

Mr. J.W. Simpson entered into a partnership in 1908 with Mr. C.W. Fisher and operated the hardware store in the Fisher Block. When it burned in 1927, the hardware moved to the Howard Block, and Mr. Simpson ran the store until 1935 at which time it was sold to Mr. Barney Klassen. Klassen’s Hardware operated until 1957 when Barney retired and Mr. Archie Kerfoot and Mr. Roy Downs purchased the business from him.

In 1958 an addition was added to the north side. Eventually, the hardware came to occupy all of the lower floor of the Howard Block. In 1972, Roy and Ruth Downs purchased the store from Mr. Kerfoot and it continued to operate as Kerfoot and Downs Hardware Store into the 1990s. During this time the hardware supplied the Cochrane area with all its hardware needs plus gardening supplies and kitchen and giftware. Mr. Dave Murray, Jr. son of Dave Murray, the Blacksmith, had a hardware store built in 1947 upon his return from the war. The store, with living quarters above, was built on property belonging to the family. As well as hardware, Dave and his wife Irene had the John Deere dealership and sold propane gas. The store closed in 1974 at which time it was rented out. Since that time it has served in various capacities.

Cochrane Variety Store 

The first variety store in Cochrane was owned and operated by Mike Stapleton in the mid-1960’s. This store was located on the east side of the building that now houses the Cochrane Café. The store sold small appliances, dryers, toasters as well as other household items. They also carried a variety of children’s toys. At the time it was a very unique type of store for Cochrane. Eventually, Kerfoot and Downs expanded to have a small appliance and kitchen department, and then Home Hardware came to town with a similar business to supply the ever-growing town and area. Much later once the shopping malls appeared Canadian Tire moved in south of the Railway tracks and now we have a Dollar Store that is similar to the older Variety Store on Main Street.

Beauty Shops and Barber Shops 

The first known beauty shop was located in Lind’s Barber Shop on First Avenue West during the 1950s. In the 1960s there were three shops operating at once. They were operated by Bettyann (Buckler) Perkins in the MacLeod Cabins, Donna (Clark) Coutts in the Texaco Cabins, and Gladys Henderson. In the 1970s Richard Dolen and his wife Olive had a salon in the MacLeod Cabins and then moved to the Murray Hardware building on 2nd Avenue West. The Kut and Kurl opened in the 1970s and still is in operation in 2008. The Hair Lounge was started by Niki King in 1976, sold to Wendy Groger in 1979, and is still in operation. When the new Cochrane Valley Shopping Centre opened in the late 1970’s Bruna Ferris bought Gina’s Hair Boutique after a couple of years and she continued to carry on the business until moving it to her home in the last few years. 

Barber Shops were often part of the Pool Hall in the early days. Mr. Hewitt had a shop in 1909, then M.J. Baumgartener had a shop in 1920. J. Baldock had the Cochrane Pool Room in 1911. Brodie’s Barber Shop was located on Main Street between the Cochrane Hotel and the Howard Block. It shared the building with Mrs. Allan’s Tea Room. Lind’s Barber Shop was in the same building as the pool hall in 1950s. Mrs. Lind operated Cochrane Dry Goods out of the same building in 1955. This shop was located where the Telus Building is now on 1st Ave. West. Mr. Lind sold out to Walter Favell. In 1964, Pat’s Barber Shop opened in the middle portion of the Andison Building and in 1975 it moved to the side of this building and is now operated as a barber shop and beauty shop. 

Funeral Homes and Estate Planning 

In 1913, J.F. Mallor operated a business offering “Coffins, Caskets, Monuments.” Jack McLeod was a representative for a Calgary Funeral Home and from 1940 to 1956, Frank Whittle represented Jacques Funeral Home. It wasn’t until the late 1990’s that Cochrane had a resident Funeral Parlour. It took many years before the first Cochrane-run Funeral Home came into existence. Slywaka’s Cochrane Country Funeral Home opened an office in the 1990s. About ten years later McInnes and Holloway built a funeral home on Railway Avenue. Mel Charlton and Bruce Mahoney offered services for Estate Planning.

Deep dive

Cochrane Chautauqua recreation

Cochrane Advocate articles May 1917 – 1924

Gordon Davies has curated a number of articles from the old Cochrane Advocate. They show an interesting summary of the life of Cochranites in the early years. Photos are from the CHAPS’ archives.

May 3, 1917 

J. Baillie moved his bakery and confectionery store into his new stand on front street the first of the week where he now has one of the nicest shops in town. (this would be in what is now the RockyView Hotel) 

May 3, 1917 

The Cochrane Barber Shop has taken the agency for the Calgary Steam Laundry and will ship laundry down each Monday afternoon. Those having laundry to send should hand in their parcels before Monday noon. 


May 31, 1917 

Dr. G. A. Pollard, dentist, will be at the Alberta Hotel again on Friday and Saturday, June 8th and 9th. 

May 20, 1920 

Exceptionally strong winds swept through town for a while Monday morning, dust, etc. obscuring vision and making things somewhat unpleasant for those out in the open, nevertheless clearing the streets of surplus dust to the advantage of autos, etc. 

May 27, 1920 

The Cochrane Chautauqua 

The second appearance of the Dominion Chautauqua held at Cochrane for three days, Friday, Saturday and Monday, May 21st, 22nd and 24h., with the aid, perseverance and capability of the local committee proved a success from start to finish and entertained with great success the public attending, the Chester Hall being filled with audiences to full capacity at each of the six sessions…..

Cochrane Chautauqua recreation
Cochrane Chautauqua recreation

May 1, 1924 

In the opinion of most people in this district, spring has come to stay at last. Bonfires and the general clean-up going on in the evenings are evident of fact. The businessmen of Cochrane are looking forward to the Wednesday afternoon half holiday, which will come into affect on May 14th, providing the Village by-law passes its third reading at the meeting of May 12th 

May 1, 1924 

In the event of the Alberta Hotel being granted a license to sell beer, Harry will convert the whole west end of the building into a beer sales room. This will include the old bar room and the office. 

May 15, 1924 

New By-law Passed Third Reading 

At the regular meeting of the Cochrane Village Council which was held on Monday evening, May 12th, a new by-law was given its second and third readings. This by-law provides for a weekly half-holiday for all places of business in Cochrane on Wednesday afternoons. The following are exempt from this new regulations: Hotels, Restaurants, Garages, Livery Stables, Imperial Oil Co., Feed Mill and Coal Merchants. This by-law came into effect on Wednesday afternoon, when all stores closed at 1 p.m. In the event of there being a statutory holiday during any week, the half-holiday for that week will be cancelled. This will be the case next week, Saturday 24the th being a statutory holiday. 

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Court of Revision was held. Several appeals were forwarded for hearing, but in most cases were disallowed. The Mill Rate will be the same as that of last year, 23 Mills. 

May 22, 1924 

We don’t know what the record is, but one of Mr. Perrenoud’s hens laid an egg last week that measured 8 inches around. Some egg!! 

May 29, 1924 

The first tourist traffic of the season passed through Cochrane last Friday evening and Saturday morning, when over three hundred cars registered at the park gate, on the way to Banff for the holiday. The roads, though rough, were quite dry. The worst piece was probably between Coal Creek and Spencer Creek, where the road has been ploughed up preparatory to goading. The new bridge at Spencer Creek is now completed, though the work of changing the road at this point has not yet been undertaken. 

May 29, 1924 

Another attempt is being made by the Council to beautify Cochrane. A number of young spruce trees have been planted along the south side of First street, in the business section of the village.

Coronation George V Cochrane Advocate 1911

Curated by Gordon Davies

May 25, 1911 

Cochrane Polo Club 

The Secretary desires us to state that the Polo Game advertised in the Calgary News-Telegram as forming one of the attractions of the Coronation Day Sports at Cochrane on 22nd June next, will not be played by — or Under the rules of — the Cochrane Polo Club 

There was a full turn out of players on Saturday last for a practice game on the new ground, and all seemed thoroughly satisfied with the choice that has been made. The members present included the Captain, O. A. Critchley, A. McPherson, E. H. Abell, O. Johnson, G. Hinds, J. G. Tweed, D. V. Saunders, C. R. De la Vergne and P. Kerfoot. The ground rode well and most of the ponies out took kindly to the game. 

Motor Cabs in London

The enormous and rapid growth of the motor cab industry in London is shown in the figures given by Mr. H. Smith, President of the London Cabdrivers Trade Union, before the committee appointed by the Home Secretary to inquire into the conditions of the trade in view of the demand made by the men for higher fares. According to Mr. Smith, there were two motor cabs on the streets in 1904, and 19 in 1905. At the end of 1909 there were 3,956 and at the end of March this year the number was well over 7,000.

May 11, 1911

The value to the country of the rain and snow which fell on Saturday morning last is simply inestimable. The put it as some papers do “thousands” is ridiculous. It was worth millions, and many of them. 

The Cochrane Hotel has been undergoing a thorough house cleaning and is now in spick and span condition. The windows opening on the two fire escapes have been made to turn inwards on hinges and in case of need egress would be much easier than through the sash as was the case previously. The platform outside hotel has also been renovated and made more convenient. 


There will be a practice game on Saturday afternoon at the new ground, the Race Course. Visitors will be heartily welcome.

Motor Garage for Cochrane 

Chapman Bros. Are about to build a Motor Car Garage for Messrs. T. Quigley and T.S. Fisher on the lot between S.J. Peyto’s house and Pope Avenue. The building will accommodate four cars, beside giving storage rom for supplies of gasoline and all necessairies likely to be called for by motorists either in the ordinairy course or in an emergency. The building will probable be completed within a month. It should be a great convenience to visitons from Calgary and other outside points as well as to our own car-owners. 

The Coronation 

In deference to a generally expressed opinion, and many promises of attendance, we have to announce that a public meeting will be held at the Orange Hall (kindly lent for the occasion), at 8 o’clock on Saturday, 18th instant, for the purpose of discussing the subject of our local celebration of the Coronation of King George V., and the presence of all good Canadians is earnestly requested.

May 4,1911 

Be it known to all men, that the Hotel hitherto well and favorable known as the Murphy House, Cochrane, will henceforth be called the Alberta Hotel. Wm. Dean will continue to be the proprietor. 

Mr. J. Pfeifer drove his car up to Banff and back on Tuesday, with John Park and J. Baldock as passagers. They report that theirs was the first car into Banff this season, and that the road was in fine shape. 

The new machinery, &c. At the French brickyard was tested on Monday, and a trial run of 1,000 bricks was made, the result being entirely satisfactory to Mr. Gabriel Bruel. It is estimated that the season’s output of this yard will exceed 2,000,000 brick. 

The Polo Club 

The committee appointed to select a suitable ground for the club to play upon this season, met on Saturday last and inspected the old ground south of the track on the road to the race ground. The latter was eventually chosen, being Superior in all ways to the old field, which is sufficiently condemned by its proximity to the nuisance ground, the condition of which is a disgrace to any civilized community. Arrangements have been made Under which the ground will be marked out, the grass cut and holed filled up in time for the first practice game of the season, to be played on Saturday 6th. Inst. 

The Gopher Plague

What with the dry weather of last year, and the early spring of this, the Gopher nuisance is going to make itself felt as never before unless some concerted effort is made for the extinction once and for all of these little pests. So long as this was in the main a ranching country the Gopher was negligible quantity except for its incursions on the ranche house garden or the green feed patch, but now that the transition from ranching to mixed farming is well Advanced the extinction of the Gopher is becoming one of the burning questions of the West, and must be tackled at once, both by land holder and the Government, or worse will befall. 

Many men, with a fair sense of their duty to their Neighbors as well as of the peril to their own crops, are doing their best in various ways to

clear their own lands of gophers, and with considerable success but so long as their Neighbors selfishly abstain from co-operation, and there are thousands of acres of unoccupied land closely adjoining, their efforts, however costly, are as futile as the attempt to bale out the ocean with a dipper. What is to be done? We would suggest that, in as much as the Gopher is as great a menace to mixed farming and grain growing as are noxious weeds, inspection should be organised as thoroughly by the Government as in the case of weeds. Let the onus be on every occupier or holder of land to prove that he has taken all reasonable steps to exterminate the gophers on such lands, and where the owner is an absentee, whether a great corporation, ranching company or speculator, let the inspector have authority to appoint some person or persons to destroy, by poison or otherwise, the gophers on each unoccupied lands within a reasonable limit of expediteur according to area, the cost to be registered against the land in the same way as in the case of unpaid taxes or expense of weed destruction. 

The influx of setters is making the propogation of the Gopher more easy, not only to gratuitous provision of food but also by the destruction or driving away of such natural enemies as hawks and coyotes. 

If this Western country is to escape a curse similar to that brought upon Australia by the incautious importation of rabbits from England, a curse which has lasted through two generations and is not yet wiped out, every man, woman and child must join in a crusade against the gopher, and the Government must provide machinery to ensure that the trouble and expense fall in fair proportion on every holder of land, rich or poor. 

The Creamery 

A notice has been sent out to all the shareholders in the Creamery to the effect that the building and equipment will be ready for a public demonstration on Monday, 8., inst. in the afternoon, and that Directors and officers of the enterprise should now be elected. The President of the Board of Trade, Mr. J. G. Tweed, J.P., and the writer visited the building yesterday and were shown round by Mr. Charles Marlatt, who explained the purpose and working of the milk testing machine, the rotary churn and other machinery. 

We hope that as many people as possible, whether shareholders or intending patrons, will make a point of being present on Monday, and that a strong Board of Directors and thoroughly competent officers may be chosen so that the Creamery may at least start with a fair prospect of success.

Construction, Builders and Contractors

pg 31 More Big Hill Country 2009

Gravel Pits 

Andrew Clarke bought some land south of Griffin Road and east of River Avenue from which they operated a gravel pit. This was originally the Want homestead. His company A. Clarke and Sons started out with a contract to build the old bridge across the Bow River in 1927. Later on, Norman and Laura Kells purchased the gravel pit from Clarke’s and ran it for a number of years. This property is now the Burnco site. 

Building Contractors 

The Pedeprat Brothers were known for their axe work on logs and built many of the houses and outbuildings in the area. Most men built their own homes and out buildings often with help from their neighbours. In 1905, stonemasons started work on C.W. Fisher’s home, now Mt. St. Francis Retreat. One of the Stonemasons was Oscar Sundstrom. James Andison, brother to William, was a carpenter and built the Weedon School which is now in Heritage Park. In 1910, the Chapman Brothers started their construction company and in 1911, Mr. Hewitt joined them. That same year Sid Chester got into the building business and in 1915, William Camden, a stonemason came to Cochrane to add an addition on to the Fisher home. Some of the other builders in Cochrane were Bob Beynon Sr., Hector McDowell, Lambert Brothers, Charlie McDonald, Frenchy Suel, and Roy Buckler. Then larger firms like Dutch Construction came in to Cochrane and building became a large industry with several companies employing many workers. At one time a carpenter built the whole house, doing the plumbing, electrical and gas fitting but as construction became more complicated, sub-trades appeared. Now it is not uncommon to have a General Contractor, a framer, a drywaller, a painter, an electrician, a plumber, a heating and furnace man, a window and door man, a flooring installer, roofing and siding or stucco contractors. These jobs are all done by different people plus inspectors come in to check the work. We sometimes wonder if life has become simpler? 

Paper Hanger, Painter, Decorator

G. Cruickshank, advertised services for home decorating in 1915. Others that offered services for home improvements and painting were Robert (Bob) Beynon Sr. and Norman Elliot. 


When machinery became available for excavating one of the first in Cochrane to have this type of business was Jack Steel. Later some of the others to take on this business were Dave Bryant operating as A&B Construction, Norman and Joe Kells operating as Kell’s Active Excavating, Grimstead Construction and Roy Genung and Son Excavating. Today there are many companies in and around Cochrane offering this service such as Kelly Harbidge and L. Want and Sons. 


When Calgary Power made electricity available to the rural area and smaller towns in Alberta it opened up a new business opportunity and electricians started to set up shop. The first known electrical business came into Cochrane in the late 1940s. Bow Valley Electric was started in 1947 by John Raboud, who sold it to John Stuart in 1952. They advertised “Fully Licensed for Rural and Domestic and Commercial Wiring. In the early 1960’s it was taken over by Mike Stapleton. In the 1970’s Rowan Electric and Les Cowan Electric opened businesses. 

Cochrane Electric Services 

This business was owned and operated by Fred Reid. He fixed Radios etc. and sold television sets in the mid 1950’s. Many of the first television sets to occupy Cochrane living rooms came from this little shop. It was located on Main Street between the Telephone Exchange and the Esso Service Station. In 1960, Fred’s wife, Bernice opened a dressmaking shop in the back of his building. She also owned and operated the “Old Timer” newspaper from this shop. As electric lines were made more readily available with few houses not having this service, the demand for electricians grew. Several small businesses began operating in and around Cochrane. One of these being Ferris Electric which is still in business today (2008). 


Plumbing, Heating and Gasfitting 

Renown Sheet Metal was owned and operated by Don and Sheila Wigton. Moving to Cochrane in 1960-61, Sheila did the books and Don did the installations. He took on apprentices and helped them get started in the business. Two of his apprentices were his sons Bruce and Bob. Don was always available to help solve problems with your furnace, appliances and water wells, and stock waterers. He was willing to come immediately, day or night to make sure his clients were to get by until proper repairs or replacement parts were available. Often Sheila was out helping him pull a pump to get water running to a house or for stock. Many of the older residents in and around Cochrane dreaded the day Don would retire. His son Bob has taken over the business. 

Industrial Plumbing and Gasfitting was operated by C.D. Quance and began operations in Cochrane in 1955. Trim Plumbing was operated out of the Whittle building on First Street West in 1966. Modern Plumbing Heating and Gasfitting was opened by Gordon Hinther. His shop was the old meat market on First Street near MacKays General Store. He ran a coin-operated laundromat out of his building and in the 1970’s also had Mr. Soft Drink – Pic-a-Pop operation on the premises. 

Deep Dive

Coronation (not that one)

Cochrane Advocate 1911 curated by Gordon Davies

May 18, 1911 

Polo was out of the question last Saturday owing to the rain, but no one felt inclined to grumble considering the benefits the country was deriving from the down pour. 

Rain fell steadily on Friday afternoon last and up to noon on Saturday, and again on Monday and Tuesday this week. The nights are mild and it is altogether ideal growing weather. 

The Cochrane Hotel bar, which has been closed for about two weeks while the house has been thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom and various repairs Inside by order of the Chief License Inspector, was reopened yesterday afternoon. New floors have been put down in the bar, kitchen and dining room, a separate chimney is to be built at once for the kitchen, and the panelling of the house is to be newly varnished. The expense of all this of course falls upon Ed. Ellis, the owner of the building. 

Coronation Festivities 

The meeting at the Orange Hall called for Saturday last, for the purpose of arranging our local celebration of the Coronation of King George V., was duly held, though naturally the number present was small owing to the weather. A. Chapman was voted to the chair and J. Andison undertook the duties of secretary. 

In a general discussion which opened the proceedings Mr. O. A. Critchley called attention to the fact that the Millarville race meeting takes place on Coronation Day, which might affect the success of our plans, whereupon the Rev. Mr. Claxton suggested that the celebration should be postponed to Ist. July, Dominion Day. The idea of a combined commemoration of two distinct events not seeming to meet with approval, Mr. Critchley moved that 22nd June should be adhered to, and this was carried. 

It being generally agreed that it is desirable to impress such an event as the Coronation of a new Sovereign on the minds and memories of the rising generation, the children of the village and district, it was decided to organise something in the shape of sports and picnic for the Young people, and a committee of five was appointed to draw up a programme. The members are Messrs. J. G. Tweed, A. Chapman, E. Andison, S. Peyto and J.E. Laird, the latter of whom was not present to accept his nomination.


Mr. Tweed suggested if that, while Entertainment of the children might be the feature of the day, a concert, supper and dance should be added for the grown up population in the evening. This proposal brought up the question of finance and the appointment of further committees to deal with that and other matters. Considering that the small attendance — about 20 — did not justify going further at the moment, the meeting was adjourned to Friday, 19th inst. (tomorrow), at 7 p.m. It is to be hoped that neither weather nor other adverse circumstances may prevent a large number of well wishes to the project being present. The assistance of out of town sympathizers will be welcome. 

The Sport Committee met on Tuesday evening and Drew up a programme which will be submitted to the meeting to-morrow night. The pupils of neighbouring schools within reasonable distance will be invited to attend the Gala, which will probable take place on the football ground.

Deep Dive

The Cochrane Advocate

by M.E. Spicer Big Hill Country pg 175 1977

The Cochrane Advocate began publication in March 1909 with Mr. J. Mewhort as the owner and editor. The office was located in the Fisher Block. 

It was in no way an outstanding small-town newspaper but it helped to form communication between the rural folk and the townspeople. In the course of its existence, which was sixteen years, it had fourteen editors. Nearly all of them owned the paper, and nearly all of them went bankrupt. 

For five years from 1909 until 1914, the Advocate consisted of eight pages, six of which were known as “Boiler Plate”; that meant the six pages were prepared and set up in print by outside concerns. The editor set up two pages of local news and advertisements. The local news occupied two or three columns and took the form of a series of short paragraphs each dealing with a separate topic. The remainder of the front page was devoted to advertisements of the local merchants, the back page carried announcements of strayed animals, livestock for sale, and general notices from local ranchers and farmers. Occasionally an editorial on a local matter was included, depending on the political tendencies of the editor.

The Cochrane Advocate
The Cochrane Advocate

The townspeople were pretty much Liberal and the rural folk were a mixture of politics depending on which area one was living in, but for sure it was a two-party area for many years. Some of the editors got in real trouble expressing their opinions during the Liberal reign in Alberta. There was freedom of the press but only if an editor was careful and did not get carried away with his opinions. The paper was printed weekly, on Thursdays, and was sold by subscription at $1.00 per year. There is no record of circulation because no editor or owner had it very long. Around 1920 the subscription was raised to $2.00 a year. 

In October 1909 C. N. Austin, a homesteader in the Jumping Pound area, sold his homestead and bought the Advocate. He tried to put out his paper something along the lines of Bob Edwards’ Eye Opener; like Bob, he too believed in “Spirits”, the kind that were kept in bottles. He did his best editorials when he was under the influence of the “spirits” but his remarks concerning some of the politicians in the village did not go over too well and within two years he was forced to go out of business. From 1911 to 1927 when the printing press and office were destroyed by fire, no one editor or owner lasted more than three years and the most of them only a few months. Some of the other editors and owners up until 1927 were: W. Strickland, R. Whitfield, W. A. McKenzie, F. C. Atkinson, A. Taylor, Mr. Downey, A. C. Hathaway, Hugh Farthing, and Alwyn Gissing.

Cochrane Rodeo 

By C. D. La NAUZE, Calgary, Alta. 

COCHRANE district has long been the home of good sportsmen. Many years ago it had its own polo team, and many of us remember that splendid mile race track that the Rhodes brothers owned just west of the town and now a fine wheat field. The last occasion this track was operated was in the fall of 1931 when we saw apprentice Johnny Longden ride most of the winners over the thundering turf there. 

Cochrane, still true to form, put on another event on October 1st in the shape of a fall rodeo. A rodeo is a new departure for Cochrane, but the support it received is a good omen for further shows in 1950. 

The setting for the event was ideal. It was up in the hills on the Cook Ranch on Horse Creek about five miles northwest of town. It was a beautiful early October afternoon as we drove through a gate onto the grounds. At first, we could see nothing, but as we moved down a gentle slope we saw, nestled in the coulee below, the nicest little rodeo arena in a natural amphitheater. The poplars and brush showed bronze and golden flames of color on the banks of the creek, and to the south, a glimpse of the dark blue Rockies peeped through these winding foothills. 

It was fitting that Mr. J. J. Bowlen, an old rider and rancher, should open the rodeo and dedicate the program to the pioneers who made the Cochrane district. 

The rodeo itself was not pretentious, but it drew a crowd of over a thousand and was a well-managed local effort with never a dull moment and just enough of it to pass a pleasant afternoon. 

Twenty-one riders had a go at Gingrich’s string of bucking horses and Allen Brown of Sundre put up a splendid ride to win the saddle event. Bill McLean of Kitscoty rode into second place, with Wally Lindstrom of Airdrie third and Reg Kessler of Rosemary fourth. 

The bareback bucking horse event was fair. First money went to Ralph Thompson of Black Diamond. First and second money in steer riding also went to Harry and Ralph Thompson. 

The steer decorating was really good and the gladiators had a difficult task in this somewhat circular arena, but they showed great courage against powerful steers and many were the upsets on both sides. Harold Crowchild of the Sarcee Indians was a speedy winner in eight seconds, with George Nelson of Queens town second and Wilf Gerlitz of Cochrane third. 

There was no calf roping. The judges were Cameron Lansdell of Turner Valley and Fred Galarneau of Finnegan. Mr. Ballantyne of Cochrane was announcer. 

Some spectators might have thought they should have had a closer view of the events but in reality they were just as close to the fun as if they had been sitting at Victoria Park. 

Events were concluded in good time as darkening shadows and a cool wind stole over the coulee. Then a long procession of cars, trucks, Indian wagons and led horses climbed out of the hollow in an orderly fashion and slipped down the hills towards Cochrane, a town once again in the sporting world.

Deep Dive

Lodgings and Hotels

Pg 24 More Big Hill Country 2009

Accommodations by Gordon Davies

Mr. W.H. Elliot’s Hotel 

In 1886 Walter Elliot built a small hotel on the corner of First Avenue and First Street West and in 1892 it was enlarged by John Pedeprat. Mr. Elliot rented the Hotel to John Doyle who was in charge when it burned in 1896. 

Murphy Brothers Hotel (Alberta Hotel) 

In 1898, Joe and Jim Murphy built a Hotel on the site where Elliot’s hotel had been. The Murphy brothers operated their hotel until 1905 when they rented it out. W.J Simpson was operating the Hotel in 1909 and Mr. William Dean bought it in 1911, renaming it the Alberta Hotel. At various times the following people were operating the Hotel: Mr. H. Thomsen, 1920, Mr. H. Spears, 1923 and in 1924, at the end of prohibition, the proprietor applied for a beer license. Mr. J.W. Bishop operated the hotel in 1925 and J.W. Dickens in 1927 when the hotel burned down. 

Cochrane Hotel (Brick Hotel, Rockyview Hotel) 

In 1904, Mr. C.M. Burnham helped to build the Cochrane Hotel and managed it for a while. This Hotel was originally a clapboard building later to be covered in brick. In 1908, D. Alexander bought and ran the Hotel. In 1912 the hotel was managed by H. Moulu and then W. H. Tepley became the manager. In 1916, the Hotel was closed due to Prohibition and the assets were seized for non-payment of taxes. Mr. R.A. Webster

bought the hotel at this time from Mr. D. Alexander and set up the People’s Cash Store on the one side of the main floor, the site of the old saloon. Miss Ruth Webster also had a Tea Room in the Hotel. In 1921, Mr. Webster sold the Hotel to the United Farmer’s of Alberta but had to take it back in 1923. The Hotel reopened with the end of prohibition in 1924. Mr. Bailie, who was operating a bakery in the hotel moved it to the Fisher Block. From 1927 until 1936, the hotel owner was Mr. Dickinson and in 1937, Mr. Pruett took over the operation of the Hotel until 1946. In 1989, the Hotel was bought by John and Marlene Ursalak, restored, renamed the Rockyview Hotel, and is still operating today. 

Ben’s Cozy Cabins 

In 1910, Mr. B. Marchmont operated a Boarding House on Main Street where Graham’s Pharmacy Building is today (corner of 2nd Ave.) There is speculation that it originally was a shack built for the families of ranchers who stayed in town so that their children could attend school. It is also thought that it may be the building that housed Yee Lee’s Laundry. Mr. Marchmont later moved to the N.E. corner of First Avenue and Second Street West. It is possible that this was originally the Martin and Foley Store. According to the newspapers of the day, Mr. Marchmont was a wonderful cook and the lodgings were very comfortable. This house later belonged to the Longbotham family. 

Texaco Cabins 

In 1939, Mr. Graeme Broatch had about eight cabins built to the west of his Texaco Garage because the garage and the cabins were on the main highway from Calgary to Banff at the time and some tourists would stay in Cochrane overnight, particularly during Stampede week. After 1945, the cabins tended to become permanent lodgings for a number of people, particularly seismic crews. 

Cochrane Main Street 1957

Nelson’s Cabins (McLeod Cabins) 

In the 1940’s Mr. H. Nelson purchased the land and buildings which formerly housed the Murphy Livery Stable. A house and tourist cabins were built using some of the lumber from the livery stable. Other buildings were moved onto the site to be used as cabins and in the case of the Texaco, Cabins tended to be inhabited mostly on a permanent basis. Mr. J. McLeod later took over the property as well as selling real estate and insurance. 

Mrs. Steel 

After the death of her husband, Mrs. Steel bought a home from Mr. R.A.Webster on the N.E. corner of Second Avenue and Second Street West. She operated a Boarding House for many years with Mr. C. Pedeprat living there for over 30 years. After the death of Mrs. Steel, her daughter Peggy continued to operate the Boarding House until the 1970’s 

Miss Gillies Boarding House 

Miss Gillies also operated a Boarding house in her home. 

The Town I Like the Best by R. Tony Turner

(age 10) (written 1964) 

The town I like the best Is very, very small 

It sits below a hill That is very, very tall. 

The town I like the best Has a river flowing near. The river flows so swiftly It fills me full of fear. 

The town I like the best Has an old community hall Its not very big 

But you can sure have a ball. 

The town I like the best 

Has two different schools: 

One on the Hill and the other downtown And they keep so strict the rules. 

The town I like the best 

Gives me a sweetened touch 

The Big Hills above 

Hold Cochrane in its clutch.

History of Cochrane Businesses

pg 23 More Big Hill Country 2009

With the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) railway across this vast country of Canada, the location of many of the towns and cities of today were established. 

In the early years when the Rev’s John and George McDougall arrived at the location on which they decided to establish the Methodist mission, in 1875 there were few inhabitants in the Western part of Canada except the native Indian (sic) tribes. Morleyville was established and subsequently surveyed which brought settlers from the eastern parts of Canada. These people, many of them friends and associates of the McDougalls began farming and setting up places of their own to apply their skills and services to the Mission. Thus Morleyville became the stopping area for supplies and the centre for the Stony (sic) Indians and a few settlers in this part of the country. 

As the large leasehold ranches such as the Cochrane Ranche, were established in the early 1880s and the arrival of the railway more people and industry started up. Tom and Lady Adela Cochrane moved into the area east of Morleyville but on the south side of the Bow River in 1883. Tom proceeded to build a sawmill, a store, a hotel and other necessary buildings such as a saloon in a very vast and beautiful country. This area became known as Mitford, in Rupert’s Land and more people moved in.  

Although Fort Calgary was set up at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers, due to distance and the mode of transportation was on foot, horseback, or team and wagon, the settlers only went as far as they could go in one day and get back home. Consequently, supplies were purchased or traded for many years at Morleyville or Mitford for the few families that were here at that time. Morleyville was a good service place for the settlers on the north side of the Bow River and Mitford serviced the settlers south of the Bow. Eventually Tom Cochrane built his toll bridge across the Bow and crossing the river became more popular. The train stopped daily in Mitford for a few years but due to the location of the townsite, it was deemed easier and safer to stop at Cochrane. 

Although the railway came through in 1883, it was seventeen years before Cochrane remained more than a siding. The CPR station was the first building in Cochrane siding located on the south side of the present tracks and just east of the Elevator. The Section house was built shortly after. The town of Mitford was abandoned and many of the businessmen moved to Cochrane. The breakup of the large land leases after 1900 brought many more people into the west country to homestead for very little money. 

Businesses started up as the needs of the people became known. The following is a history of many of the businesses that are part of the history of Cochrane. 

Our series on the businesses begins April 15th

The Morleyville Settlement

by Jean L. Johnson Re-printed from Big Hill Country Pg 8 2009

The tract of land known as Morleyville Settlement lies along both sides of what is now 1A Highway, between the Ghost River on the east and the Stony (sic) Indian Reserve on the west. Its north boundary runs through the centre of Twp 26 Rge 6 W5M and extends one mile west of the range line. Before the official rectangular survey reached the area, Morleyville Settlement was laid out in long lots of different widths and acreages, all fronting on the Bow River. The Settlement was six miles wide and the lots, from west to east, were numbered 1A to 9, making ten in all. 

In 1865 the Rev. George McDougall visited the Stony Indians on the Bow River, and in 1873, he and his son, the Rev. John McDougall, established a mission there, first, up on the hill beside the Hudson’s Bay Post but shortly after, on the flats just north of the Bow. Another son, David, opened a trading post and began setting up a ranch. With the McDougalls came their wives and families, their assistants and workers. Thus, a small village had gathered around the Mission a year before the N.W.M.P. started West. In 1875 Andrew Sibbald and his family came from Ontario and a school was built with Andrew Sibbald both builder and teacher. The McDougall ranching operation predated the arrival of the Cochrane Ranche herds by almost a decade, for John and David brought with them from Fort Edmonton a band of fifty horses and cattle. The following year they bought one hundred head of cattle in Montana.

In the early days, letters came addressed: Millward Post Office, Morleyville, Northwest Territories. The Millward Post Office was in David McDougall’s Trading Post and the Millward Cemetery was close by, just west of Jacob Creek. The name came from that of the Rev. George Millward McDougall, just as the name “Morley” is found in that of Dr. William Morley Punshon, President of the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Canada. 

The McDougalls were the founders of the  Morleyville Settlement. Their long experience in the West, their creditable achievements and their boundless self-assurance inspired confidence in their relatives. and acquaintances. And so they were followed to Morleyville, not only by relatives, but by many from Cobourg, Ontario, where the McDougalls had attended college, and by people whom they met in Winnipeg on their trips to that town for supplies. Some of these took up land north of Morleyville Settlement although better land was available farther east. 

The McDougalls had great influence among the Indians. Their intrepidity and physical prowess impressed the Stoneys who admired anyone who could equal them in their own pursuits. The Rev. John McDougall was largely responsible for the formation of the Stony (sic) Reserve. All the Stony (sic) Indians hunted along the eastern part of the Rocky Mountains and the foothills, but each of the three bands once had its own territory when the hunt was over. The Chiniki Band was on the Bow River, the Bearspaw Band was on the upper reaches of the Highwood River and the Kichipwot or Jacob Band (Wesley) claimed the Kootenay Plains on the North Saskatchewan. John McDougall brought the three bands together at Morley.

Deep Dive

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